These are the words and stories of Jesus, delivered with honesty, courage and passion - The Gospels for Hearers is a gift for anyone searching for an authentic, uncluttered and captivating translation of the ancient manuscripts.
Her book explains how to shape a good story, how to do evangelism through storying and lead Bible discussions. Here are concrete steps for sharing the Story that everyone needs to hear.
The foundation of discipleship is sound, scriptural doctrine. The value of sound doctrine is often misunderstood by the modern church. While it can be dry and dull, when it flows from the story of Scripture, it can be full of life and love.
... hearer - ref- erence . It falls into a theory - based and a description - based part . The former covers three topics : ( a ) the categories of speaker and hearer as opposed to the category of nonparticipants in the speech act ; ( b ) ...
... hearer, a person who really should be looking at themselves and their standing before God. I do not know what it is, but in my experience, hearers are quick to confront, showing they are quick Not Just Hearers But Doers 53.
... hearers and others with extreme state experiences generally do not want to shake hands and make nice with their voices. Dr. Mark Hayward (2004) explored how people who have voices engage with their predominant voices from a position of ...
... hearers of God's Word fancy them- selves wiser than the prayerful hearer , and often laugh at the solemn reverence with which the attentive hearer drinks in the words of the preacher . But the truth is that the careless hearer is ...
... hearers , is the effect of their choaking : namely , what is the iffue and euent that befalls them , when they are ... hearers mentioned in the former verfe : but ftill continue profeffours and hearers of the Gof- pell , t pell ...
... Your views and impressions of the Sunday sermon will not be introduced at the Sunday dinner ; but like Mary you will ponder in your heart , with a view to practising in your life all that was true 32 SERMON - HEARERS AND.