... fupport fhould be zealous and unremit- ting : no administration could exift long without fupport ; and when abandoned by the independent intereft , minifters had hitherto reforted to the deteftable means of corruption ; but in that they ...
... fupport them . I fhall now leave the other fide of the House to difcufs this fubject , I fee they are anxious to make atonement , and I will not check the ardour of their patriotic zeal , which after having been fo long reftrained , is ...
... fupport is moft contemptible ; if that were the cafe , Mr. Fox's panegyric , for he too panegyrized Mr. Addington when he fift came into power , was alfo a promife of fupport ; and we wonder much that the Near Obferver has not ...
... fupport of the allegations of their clients , who had already received the leave of the House to plead their cause by proxy ; but if their proxy was to be re- ftrained from pleading in fupport of the petition , for what purpose could ...
... fupport , and he would continue to give it his fupport , because he was fenfible that neceflity ftill continued . He never would give up the prin- ciples that gave him a feat in that Houfe ; it was by fup- porting the Conftitution that ...
... fupport of the miniftre in the old and new meet- ing - house , that there Perfons & Eftates who fubfcrib for fupport of the miniftrey at the Old meeting - house be liable to be afseffed thereto and no where elfe , and that there ...
... fupport of their opinion . He was ready to acknowledge , that it was the undisputed pre- rogative of his Majefty to name what Minifters he thought pro- per , nor would he concur in opinion with a Noble Lord ( Car- file ) in denominating ...
... fupport of each perfon in the Shrew- bury work - houfe , cofts 131 per annum per head -- To fupport 17.8 , the average num- ber of poor in the Houfe of Jedvary last year at that rate would have col the nation 22.3341 . Vid : Acrount of ...
... fupport ; and that fupport is afforded very amply , not only to one poem , but to all ; for the marks of impofition are uni- form and univerfal . If his confeffion receives credit ( and why should it not ? ) , it at leasts affords a ...