fupport from
... fupport themselves by working in bleachfields , printfields , cotton - mills , and many other branches of manufactures , in which much previous inftruction or preparation is not re- quired . In thefe places , they have an cafy ...
fupport from
... fupport as we are bounden , have commanded him to be ordered to you , requir ing that , admitting him the faid A. into your faid house , you adminifter to him fuch ( corrody or ) fupport , both in victuals and cloathing and other ...
fupport from
... fupport them , you too ftand pre- pared to fupport their antagonists . I re- 66 commend it , in the last place , that you " nominate ten ambaffadors , who , with the " generals , fhall have full authority to de- " termine the time , and ...
fupport from
... fupport of schools under the fame obligations as towns to lay out and repair highways Pleas to an action of Audita ... fupport , employment , & c . of 711 217 435 606 619 Peer , accounts exhibited for their fupport , how to INDE X.
fupport from
... fupport his intended propofitions to the utmost of his ftrength , and exert his whole power and credit as a Man and ... fupport fo neceffary a mea- fure , I truft we fhall have the fupport of Sir Thomas Dundas ; whom I have long ...
fupport from
... fupport an action ? The written agreement was for two purposes : one to appoint fuch deputies as the plaintiff should name ; the other to pay over to him all the profits of the office . No argument has been ufed in fupport of the first ...
fupport from
... fupport feveral tun weight . And all this at a diftance , and without material preffure or action , or coming into actual contact with the weight fo fuftained : fo certain is it that an invifible hand intervenes here ! Nothing can act ...
fupport from
... fupport his majefty in taking the most effectual measures to defeat the defigns of his enemies ; to preserve and fecure his facred per- fon and government , the Proteftant fucceffion in his royal family , and the religion , laws , and ...
fupport from
... fupport of the charges exhibited against you . Eleven o'clock to- morrow morning is the time appointed , when your pre- fence will probably be neceffary . I am , Sir , Your humble fervant , SAMUEL STERETT , " FRANCIS HOPKINSON , Efq ...
fupport from
... fupport the Proteftant Religion . But as Policy feemed to require that he should oppofe the Emperour's Progrefs , they intimated to him , that it was neceffary to recover Boulogne in the first Place , which done , it would be ftill time ...