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fpeaking from
... fpeaking therefore the voice not of the people, has made us what we are, and if National AfTemblies fpeaking the voice of the people, have brought France to her prefent fituation,', \ have a double experiment to fupport me in thie ...
fpeaking from
... fpeaking, lying and flandering." -As feldora pafs a day without witnelling notorious breaches of this precept, I determined to fend you the following fhort extract from a celebrated trea- tile upon that elegant abridgment of our ...
fpeaking from
... fpeaking of the bufinefj of the ftage .a< introduftory to f/eafiiftt. ^at. firft deemed jrjopcent by mtny) to fo.ibl«s«. to, yices of .the deeped hue, in regular gradation, 1 would not be undcrftood to ap- ply -_ 1 .. it !fc to I the ...
fpeaking from
Public Speaking Speaking Can Be That Can Be. The ability to do oneself justice as a speaker is not a natural endowment, but one that can be acquired. Our booklet, "Successful Public Fpeaking," summarizes the essentials of public ...
fpeaking from
... fpeaking fpeaking truth. truth. This This would would. take f3^'"? me a. * half half a a Ay toy to to explain; explain; It It » fufficient, alfo for me to f.y, and I can prove • it, that- there has — * been a • — * rautu.1 ra,utUdl ...
fpeaking from
... fpeaking of the kiad, or /nabbed in fpeaking of che noje f Paul, travtlJing onr clay while Grand Dake, from Tzirkjf Io to Oarfhina, ot which the road w as in the middle of a rparfhy fo'-eft, he (uddenly recolltA. e-l (Vnet^tng and ...
fpeaking from
... public fpeaking ? The numb»r of young men, members of this fociety, raifes an emulation among them. Often indeed do young ftudents come to the bar, with a great fund of legal knovfrjedge, but with fo much diffidence, or what isNjalled ...
fpeaking from
... fpeaking trumpet, I laid it upon two props, in an horizontal pofition. One of the props was placed under the trumpet, about three inches from its wide enJ, and the other prop was placed near the other end of the rod : another fpeaking ...
fpeaking from
... fpeak in debate, or deliver any mailer to the Houfe, he fliall rife from his •leal and refpuftfully addrels hiipfelf to Mr, Speaker., Jf any mem be/, in fpeaking or otherv/ife, tranfgrefs . tve rp|ee Of the Koufe, the Speaker fliall, or ...
fpeaking from
... fpeaking.; and praying that cognizance may be taken of the pre- mif'.-s, and fuch fteps purfued as may fecure lejjiflainc indepenacnce between reprefcn- taii\es and thrir conftit^ents, and the right of mutual communication, by fpeaking ...