... fince the last Seffion , hath accepted of the Office of Surveyor . Also a new Writ for electing a Burgess to serve in this present General Assembly , for the County of King William , in the Room of Mr James Power , who , fince the last ...
... fince the gregation of the Brethren ever fince the year year 1759. And finally , 1743 . miles from thence , in which the gofpel is preached. 7 In Ireland are the following congregations , of the Brethren . In Dublin , the capital of the ...
... fince , the third fome fifty - four years fince , the fourth fome forty - fix fince : and they always obferved either plague or pox or fome other epidemical difeafe followed ; three , four or five years after the Earthquake , ( or ...
... fince ; and the other 200. years fince ; of Sharpe above 160. years fince . And of Hernden 130 . years fince . Shorne was antiently holden by Sir Roger Norwood . SITTINGBORNE . Ieth at the middle of the Northfide of the County ...
... fince , the third fome fifty - four years fince , the fourth fome forty - fix fince : and they always obferved either plague or pox or fome other epidemical disease followed ; three , four or five years after the Earthquake , ( or ...
... fince the laft Seffion , hath ferved as Sheriff for the County of York . Also a new Writ for Electing a Burgess to serve in this present General Assembly , for the County of Effex , in the room of Mr Salvator Mufcoe , who hath , fince ...
... fince their meeting , upon just and mature reason , used their utmost endeauours for ye continuance and preferuation of their auntient Rights , usages and Priuiledges , it cannot be rationally expected , that they should now diuert ...
... fince there is no neceffary connexion of his existence a minute fince , with his exiftence now by a thousand ways he may ceafe to be , fince I had the testi- mony of my fenfes for his existence . And if I cannot be certain , that the ...
... fince January 1794 , it has been in favour of Ireland . Do you ever fend Bank of England Notes to Ireland , and in what proportion ? -- Never before the Order of the 26th of February laft , but fince that time about £ . 20,000 . Can you ...
... fince the last Seffion , hath ferved as Sheriff for the County of York . Also a new Writ for Electing a Burgess to serve in this present General Affembly , for the County of Effex , in the room of Mr Salvator Mufcoe , who hath , fince ...