... fince, as they have got the upper hand, made HO alteration in the view of the quefHon. It is a great qutftion of principle on which great and good men were at that time divided, and have been ever fince. The Irtish is, the Britifh ...
... fince, by what fiiip unknown j fuppofcd to be rcleafed. George W. Albro, imprcfTed 9 years fince, by fhip Atalanla. Miller W. Sands, imprcfTed 4 years fince, by what fhip unknown. James Bailey, impreiTed 18 months fince, by what fhip ...
... fince laft fall, although he informed me he had juft come from thence in Srotfylvsnia county; ke.was feen lurking about my plantation on Monday, snd ifked of neighbour where the hcrfe was he fo'd me a few days fince.— -plwill gi»c /we ...
... fince retaken. " The Providence, Curry, from Peterfbiirgh to London, is wrecked on Scroby Sands vGr'ew f*ved. '* The ... fince 'foundered. — Alfo detained the Three Brothers, (under Piuffiah colour's) from BoUrdeaui,"' lo ...
... fince the.cotiqutrff <if it by the .Romans, this barrow iDay perhaps * boafl an antiquity of nearly 2000 years. . : " A few days fince an inqueft was held at Marhble, Worceftermire,' on Mr> John Hailes, a rcfpcclable farmer- who .was ...
... fince happened to Hear diicomfe between miller and thiee fanneia,. Farmer A, Good morning fir, j have brought a grift to grind. u. [Wilier. Sir, never in a better time, I have jufl now MniOicd 175 bufhels of wheat for Mr. G. H. fince ten ...
... fince died here aged 79 years, the celebrated painter Pompee Battoni, who, till ji few days of his deceafe, continued in the exercife of "his fublime talents. The city of Lucques had the honour ef the birth of this capital artift, but ...
... fince^'menti.pned, fince^'menti.pned, fince^'menti.pned, bad bad ten painted for the Queen, forWe'f&^bfe.of jtranfr mitting to Poftefity aKecord^wt grateful Memory ^pf the, Prcfcryation^of^hfs "Majefty from the late atrocious Attempt on ...
... fince. fince. ihe ncwspapc^'aia" "Any hostile a, In ihe ntcs or any ">'t by joint „„„„,, Ji'pnn, Germany and might give America "Mnakcd Envoy11. "Particularly might treaty cause th^AKeri^Z to sit back nnd take »to- Stnlo Department ...
... fince the making of the wall, when they found it all as found «s before the works were begun. WILMINST9N, December 26. Died at Poplar-Grove, in Kent county, Delaware State, on Friday the ipth inft. in the 3610. year of his age, Col ...