... fince March 1 , 1747 Plate licenfes fince July 5 , 1758 , pursuant to act 31 Geo . H. Duty on falt fince April 5 , 1753 , pursuant to act 26 Geo . II . Duty on fweets fince Midfummes 1737 , purf . to act 27 Geo . II . Surplus of the ...
... fince 31st July 1716 Tobacco , fince D⚫ Whale Fins , fince D Eaft India Goods , fince D ° - * L . 15 per Cent on Muflins , fince 24th June 1714 £ 25 per Ton French Wines , fince 29th Sept ' 1715 1-3d Subfidy , fince 8th March 1706 Soap ...
... fince , the third fome fifty - four years fince , the fourth fome forty - fix fince : and they always obferved either plague or pox or fome other epidemical difeafe followed ; three , four or five years after the Earthquake , ( or ...
... fince ; another above 140 years fince ; another above 130. years fince : and another above 120. years fince . Alfo of Jeames ( a good benefactor to this Church ) above 150. years fince . And of Stratton , Burgony , and . Gawge , very ...
... fince , the third fome fifty - four years fince , the fourth fome forty - fix fince : and they always obferved either plague or pox or fome other epidemical disease followed ; three , four or five years after the Earthquake , ( or ...
... fince the last Seffion ferved as a Sheriff , but before the Beginning of this Seffion discharged from his Office ... fince the laft Seffion , hath served as Sheriff for the said County . Also a new Writ for Electing a Burgess to ...
... fince each storme will haue a calme , fince in Tigris the Minow hath as great libertie as ye Mullet , fince the Loate thriueth as well in Tibris as Tanais , and the pooreft conftant minde in the ftraungest country : dry thou vp thy ...
... fince alas , my deadly Swannish musique Hath made it felfe a crier of the morning , And hath with wailing ftregth clim'd highest mountaines : Long fince my thoughts more defert be then forrests : Long fince I fee my joyes come to their ...
... fince there is no neceffary connexion of his existence a minute fince , with his exiftence now by a thousand ways he may ceafe to be , fince I had the testi- mony of my fenfes for his existence . And if I cannot be certain , that the ...
... fince each storme will haue a calme , fince in Tigris the Minow hath as great libertie as ye Mullet , fince the Loate thriueth as well in Tibris as Tanais , and the poorest constant minde in the straungeft country : dry thou vp thy ...