... fent above fifteen, and*ftc'| exceeding thirty miles, Fourpcnce ; and fo in j tion. For a Single Letter fo fent above thirty and exceeding fifty miles, Fivepence; and fo in proportion I For a Single Letter fo fent above fifty and not ...
eatns Berks Flier Flier ses Life Life Mil. Harry R. Fent, Lieut. Harry Fent, of Barto of Barto Killed nong Among Killed or;. First Lieut. Harry R. Fent, 26, of Barto R. D. 1, Berks County, was killed when the American IC-54 military ...
... fent him, was fuch as it ou'ght to be, and as F. M. Lt. Ct. Bellcgardc W6uld hiirtfclf have fent, under tho fame pfedicaiiient. But that now, being able, witho'ut any reproach of confclcnce or fear of accufttion, toliflen to call of ...
... fent by the General Poft with- n Great Britain, not exceeding fifteen meafurcd miles, 11H1U3, Threepence JL 111 t& ... fent above fifteen, and not exceeding thirty miles, Fourpence ; and fo in proportion. For a Single Letter fo ...
... fent by thcle jeitlehicn, who refide in A- mcrica, to Johr/lon Htul Co. aa their brokers for f.ile. Hfc faid, the jury knew that, by the ciflom of trade, a faflor could not pledge. iV principal could not be removed Irom his property by ...
... Fent t and Merely a week after the hold up. . "Blamed if I'm not tired of this layin n around." "They'll be after us all hot. and don't t you reckon they won't," said Fent. "And with somethm more persuadin n than a summons." Merely ...
... fent by Lord Nelfon to cruize, which time me captured the above g Sailed the Ville de Paris, of 1 10 guns, Ricketts, to the Channel fleet. DOVER, J.ULY 5,. Tlie Jeune Annacharfis, French fchoon ... fent fent to Calais this tide. JULY 6.
... fent him back to. IK. I have the honor the general, with a mef&ge xVhich made the army .ilhamcd of having been exj o&d to Rr. hon. lord tCelfon, fuch a merited reproof.- Subordination was now at an end, and afl hopes of fuccefs having ...
... Fent of stealing }UH chickens, Fent denied the accusation further words were passed and Behra- der knocked Font down. As a result of the injuries he sustained, Fent lost eight days work at four dollars per day, and paid a doctor bill ...
... fent me a cfeifav.e bv my dm- f i* ¥ f 9 german that I .fbould pay imimedt- aiely fixteen thouf.uid do?Urs for eight ... fent me word that he would wait the arrival of the courier from Alicante-, I-might receive fomc i forasation ...