... felves are in their kind , in their grounds , in their meafures conformable to Reafon , Piety and Justice , then is our Self - love innocent or worthy : if they are not fo , it is criminal and vicious . If we do rightly esteem our felves ...
... felves , if we have never fo little fincerity , and de- fire to know our felves . 32. Unless we make use of this cun- ning to profit by the fault of another , which we cannot hinder our felves from feeing , they only blind us more ...
... felves out of them , we do any thing contrary to our Duty and a good Confcience ; for this is the meaning of committing our felves to God in well - doing . Thirdly , To fhew what Ground of Comfort and Encouragement the Confide- ration ...
... felves , and confeffing our faults , partly in condemn ing our felves for the faults we have committed , and partly in exercifing acts of Justice , and executing Judgment upon our felves , of which we are to fpeak in order . II . The ...
... felves , and confeffing our Faults , partly in condemning our felves for the Faults we have committed , and partly in exercifing Acts of Justice , and executing Judgment upon our felves , of which we are to speak in order . And ...
... felves , if as we ought we doe ftudie.our felves , alwayes kee- ping our eyes open over us , and prying more narrowly into our felves . Rise of PiE P But this is that which we thinke leaft of Nemo in fe`rentar Against fuch as defcendere ...
... felves , namely , fuch as are truely called , and Gods children : and this is humbleneffe of mind beere meant . Heere then firft wee fee , wee are to carry in us an humble minde , a meane and moderate estimation of our felves in reípect ...
... felves in a flavish Imitation of others ? Yet nothing is lefs fubftantial , nothing is lefs felt , nothing is fo eafily loft , nothing is more brittle and flippery than it ; a Bubble is not sooner broken , or a Wave funk , than is the ...
... felves ; if you have , how came you by it ? Did you make your felves ? Did you redeem your felves ? Do you maintain and preferve your felves ? If you are your own , tell God you will not be beholden to him for his Prefervation : Why ...
... felves . of the good Treasure of his Heart bringeth forth good Things ; For a Man that hath no Heart to Prayer or ... felves , that is the Caufe that you have little to fay against your felves , when you should confefs your Sins to ...