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felves from
... felves. " The figns of the times'' are truly awful. The tempe(t orows louder and yet louder ; and in this alarming junc ture, it behoves us to bethink OUT felves of our own fafery. Placed as we are at a great diftance from the theatre ...
felves from
... felves, felves, notwithftanding,thejight 6f the goH r { (fining all around them! ' ; 'This is a ; phsrtome'no'n, -which*! connive, cannot be accounted for, on any other prindplt, ;jhan . that for which we contend—/ thank tea father ...
felves from
... felves in the fcale againlt England, on the fide of the French, to aflift their Emperor Napoleon in extending his empire univer- fa I over the world. • Having premifed thus much, we were about detailing the particulars of Mr. Randolph's ...
felves from
... felves employed, will be pleafed to addrefs them, , felves to the faid office, to be recorded, and immediately o receive a favourable anfwer. The ad vantage of fuch an office need not b«t to be pub- - lifhed, to receive the ...
felves from
... felves felv felves in this .and of freedom. Noc willing ling to brook the grofs treatment of having ing their cockades trampled under the feet feet of Uritains, firuck with axes, tongs, &c. &c. three to one, the Frenchmen collected ted ...
felves from
... felves, in the time which is rapidly ap preaching, when that protection muft be withdrawn ; when the mighty con queror prefents himfelf before us in all his terrours ? I confble myfelf, however, with a belief, that a correfter lenfe of ...
felves from
... felves -warranted in faying', that no realonable quan- •tity of labour can be required, which would be difficult to obtain by means of. It is withu^as it has too generally happened to other adventurers in productions* but little undtr ...
felves from
... felves believed in their objections, I have ever confidered thofe objections merely a6 inftruments for working on the public minds as party expedients for exciting difcontent againft thofe in power, and paving the way for-their ...
felves from
... felves, felves, as well well tens of tht- fouth which the inhabitants of St. Bomin- co have for twelve years pad expe. rienced. It it the with of the ma'jo. rityofthc pcopls of this country, that flavcry flioulci be aboliflicd ; but no ...
felves from
felves felves 'imo^athe 'imo^athe Seine, Seine, "aher "aher. :LTNION-iJIADL. Aug.