... felves , to thinke any thing , as of our felves : but our fufficiencie is of God . Thele vows are not made in confidence of our owne ftrength , but in faith of Gods promife . I will put a new Spirit within you . That they may walke in ...
... felves . And tho ' many fair fhreds of morality , are to be found amongst them , yet there is none that doth good , no not one ; for tho ' fome of them run well , they are still off the way ; they never aim at the right mark . They are ...
... felves , of the Feebleness of our Natures , how frail we perceive our felves to be ; how foon we may be overcome , and how fubject we are to be deceiv'd , we will foon be convinced , that we have no Rea- fon to trust to our felves ...
... felves in the aftral light , as a man may have changes of raiment . But when the divine soul is perfected and about to be received into " the Sun , " or Nirvâna , he indraws all these past felves , and poffeffes herself of their ...
... felves but nothing to our felves . And all that we are then , is to the world , Which renders us great Titles : which tane off , We then return unto our felves again , And all the world is ours : I was not great Till now ; nor could ...
... felves ; and if we know fo much wickedness by our felves , that we can- not but condemn our felves , ( though every man is a favourable Judge of himself ) God , who knows a great deal more of us , must condemn us alfo : But if our ...
... felves , and in the ferious Review of our own Lives . The frequent Performance of which is one of the best Means to improve our felves in all Manner of Virtue . Q. What do you mean by the Examination of our felves ? A. The calling our ...
... felves moft acceptable to God , who is the Rewarder of fuch as endeavour to be like him , and to please him . Upon these ac- counts , we are excited to be pure and holy , chaft and clean , and to preferve our felves spotless and ...
... felves , Jome God , Jome Chrift , and fome other things . Ignor . What be good thoughts re- fpecting our felves ? Chr . Such as agree with the Word of God . Ignor . When does our thoughts of our felves agree with the Word of God ? Chr ...
... felves in Excefs , Luxury , or any worldly and finful Pleafure ; left when God comes to execute his Venge- ance , he ... felves continually by patient Perfeverance in well doing , and by a daily Improve- ment of your felves in all ...