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enemy from
... Enemy. Three. Licenses. to. Use. Enemy. Trade. Marks. Is&ued. of. By Associated Press. Washington, July 6.— Recommendation that Congress speedily modify the Enemy Trading law by revoking the power now given the courts to terminate licenses ...
enemy from
... enemy advanced on our left with seven regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, upon some breastworks thrown, up hastily during Tuesday night, at Baylor's farm, by Col. Ferribea, of the 4th jSorth 'Carolina cava!-' a ry. They were held ...
enemy from
... enemy was force. He killed, five, toaK ono pris- outr, ttiul savo (great assistance will 'guiding the party back. * . — After returning exhausted from an the attack, Ser^t. Build vo.unteex^d to BO Govern- , ou't *01' woundea and ...
enemy from
Enemy Troops Forge Across Naktong River Line. S. PRISONERS?— This picture from the New China news service, official commu. In Peiping and other cities, was obtained from the Dally Worker In principal town In north Korea." The London ...
enemy from
... enemy soldiers in heavily fortified positions. Farther south, one of the U.S. Army's most highly decorated field generals, Maj. Gen. Keith Ware, was killed when his command helicopter crashed in flames near the Cambodian borThurmond.
enemy from
... enemy detachment which withdrew eastwards dwrinf the night.t Twenty German Europeans aad 9O Askaris were found in hospitals abandoned by the .enemy at. Nangaao aad \Rupooda. The main body of tbe enemy retreating from the Mbemkuru Valley ...
enemy from
... enemy. This movement wa- in jirogre^ when the enemy commenced an attack on my ri-jht. The fight continued mainly at these points? During the day, the em-iuy havii,^ gamed the point held by the command of fni. Cirr at Cross Timber Hollow ...
enemy from
... enemy advanced on Bndg- of Friedlaiuk and at .3 in the morning r.. cannonade was heard. " It fortunate day," said tin- Emperor :^ is the anniversary of the battle of IMarengo." Marshals Lannes and JVIorlier were engaged ; they \\erc ...
enemy from
... enemy positions on Guadalcanal throughout the day. En- .emy artillery fire was silenced and the Japanese were ... enemy troops and installa- tions. During the high point of the enemy's last offensive, American air activity ...
enemy from
... enemy. I However, at about 11 p.m. Ring Mun Redoubt, which was held by a flatoon of the Royal Scots, was capture^ by the enemy by surprise ---otherwise "Gind- rinkers' Line" remained intact-i The enemy's progress was thv confined to ...