eftate from
... Eftate in Fointenancy , ante . Hitherto we have fpoken of Eftates that are fuppofed to be in Being ; now follow , in ... Eftate , depending upon a particular Eftate , and created together with the fame , in Remainder . A particular ...
eftate from
... Eftate , according to his own will and pleasure : occafioning thereby the Revolt of a great part of the Country ; and the setting up of a new Eftate , oppofite unto him , and deftructive of his intereffe in it . But before we come unto ...
eftate from
... Eftates in Greece . But the Male - iffue fayling in Marquefs John , the Eftate fell to Theodorus Palaologns , of the Imperiall family of Conftantinople , who had maryed the Heir - ge- nerall of the houfe ; continuing in his name till ...
eftate from
... Eftate , according to his own will and pleasure : occafioning thereby the Revolt of a great part of the Country ; and the fetting up of a new Eftate , oppofite unto him , and deftructive of his intereffe in it . But before we come unto ...
eftate from
... Eftate , according to his own will and pleasure : occafioning thereby the Revolt of a great part of the Country ; and the fetting up of a new Eftate , oppofite unto him , and destructive of his intereffe in it . But before we come unto ...
eftate from
... Eftate , that may hereafter defcend to him . Act to enable Walter Calverly , Efq ; and his Hue Male , to use the Sirname of Blackett only . Act for vefting an Eftate of William Strode an Infant , in Trustees , in order to difpofe of the ...
eftate from
... Eftate ; and every Gentle- man , who has a Regard to his Family , or to his own Credit , will certainly pro- portion his Expence and Way of Living to the Revenues of ; his Eftate , taking Care to fave as much yearly as may be neceffary ...
eftate from
... Eftate of an hundred pounds per annum , which he hath received one thousand four hundred pounds for three Lives , now if the Lord of the Mannor advance Twenty pounds in the Name of the Tenant , that hath the remaining Life upon his Eftate ...
eftate from
... Eftate of Jo- feph Urann , late of Bofton , Ship Joiner , deceas'd , are defired to bring in their Accounts to Thomas Urann , Adminiftrator on faid Eftate . And all thofe indebted to faid Eftate , are delired to make speedy payment to ...
eftate from
... eftate may be , ( being of full age ) and attefted by three witnelfes and real eftates may be conveyed by leafe and releafe , or bargain and fale , figned , fealed , and delivered by the perfon being of full age , in whom the eftate may ...