... Eftate of WILLIAM RYAN, of Cashal, but-, late of St. John's, deceased, aie hereby re(juired to present them to the Subscriber, duly attested j and all. Persons indebted to said Eftate, arc desiicd' to make/ immediate payment ...
... Eftate late John Nichols*!. The real Eftate late Adam Fergufofi'i. Several Lots of Land, wVih a good Dwelling-Houfe, pleafantl^ fituated npoa the Hill, lat* Jofeph DurfeeV The real Eftate late James Clarke's, The real Eftate late ...
... Eftate of V/IL HAM STANN AGE, late of St. John's, Newfoundland, deceased, ate hereby requested to present thenr without delay, duly attesi'cd1; and all Persons indebted to the said Eftate, are^desired to make immediate payment to Mr ...
... eftate of her daughter Judah. but more efpecially the eftate of said Klizabeth, as I fhall make it appear that I have the beft right to it of any perfon under heaven being grand'child to faid Elizabeth, deceafed, by the mother fide ...
... Eftate are requefted to exhibit the fame- to, ,, ADINO PADDOCK, Executor. ' &t. John, N. $. Feb. 24, 1799;. 3m A LL PvTions, indebted! to the Eftate JL A. of the tac GREG o *Y To w N s E N a Eiq, deceafed, are requefted -to make ...
... Eftate of WILLIAM RYAN, of Cashal, but late of St. John's, deceased, arc hereby required to present them to the Subscriber, duly attested ; and all Persons indebted to said Eftate, are desired to make immediate payment. SAMUEL BULLEY ...
... Eftate -of D AVrlD BLAIJV-latP of the Citsrof. Saint John, Merchant, deceaied, are d,e-fired,to renthe fame in ; and all Perfons indebtto -the .faid Eftate. are requefted to make immediate payment to PETER -BLAIR, 1 ,„ WM. DONALEj, J ...
... Eftate, arc do fired to make immediate payment to ANDREW SIMPSON, Admr. St. John'i, 7th Sept. 1815. ALL Perfoni having demands on the Eftate of WILLIAM VALLERS, of Red Hill, near Chrift Church, Hants, but late of Burin, Newfoundland ...
... Eftate of ROBERT MANLZY, of the Parifli or it. Mary Church, County of Devon, England, buc late of St. John's, Newfoundland, Planter, deceafed, are hereby requefted to prcfent them to the Subfcri- bers, duly attelkd ; ar.d all perfons ...
... Ef- tate of THOMAS BUTLER, late of Port-dc. Crave, Newfoundland, Planter, deccafcd, arc hereby reqiitftrd lo prcfent them to the Subferibers, duly at- trfled; and all perfn'ns indebted to the faid Eftate, arc deftted to make immediate ...