... Eftate late John Nichols*!. The real Eftate late Adam Fergufofi'i. Several Lots of Land, wVih a good Dwelling-Houfe, pleafantl^ fituated npoa the Hill, lat* Jofeph DurfeeV The real Eftate late James Clarke's, The real Eftate late ...
... Eftate late John Nichols*!. The real Eftate late Adam Fergufofi'i. Several Lots of Land, wVih a good Dwclling-Houfe, pleafantly fittiated npoa the Hill, lat* Jofeph Durfee'i. The real Eftate late James Clarke's, The real Eftate late ...
... Eftate of WILLIAM RYAN, of Cashal, but-, late of St. John's, deceased, aie hereby re(juired to present them to the Subscriber, duly attested j and all. Persons indebted to said Eftate, arc desiicd' to make/ immediate payment ...
... Eftate are requefted to exhibit the fame- to, ,, ADINO PADDOCK, Executor. ' &t. John, N. $. Feb. 24, 1799;. 3m A LL PvTions, indebted! to the Eftate JL A. of the tac GREG o *Y To w N s E N a Eiq, deceafed, are requefted -to make ...
... Eftate of WILLIAM RYAN, of Cashal, but late of St. John's, deceased, arc hereby required to present them to the Subscriber, duly attested ; and all Persons indebted to said Eftate, are desired to make immediate payment. SAMUEL BULLEY ...
... Eftate -of D AVrlD BLAIJV-latP of the Citsrof. Saint John, Merchant, deceaied, are d,e-fired,to renthe fame in ; and all Perfons indebtto -the .faid Eftate. are requefted to make immediate payment to PETER -BLAIR, 1 ,„ WM. DONALEj, J ...
... Eftate of V/IL HAM STANN AGE, late of St. John's, Newfoundland, deceased, ate hereby requested to present thenr without delay, duly attesi'cd1; and all Persons indebted to the said Eftate, are^desired to make immediate payment to Mr ...
... Eftate -of D AVrlD BLAIJV-latP of the Citsrof. Saint John, Merchant, deceaied, are d,e-fired,to renthe fame in ; and all Perfons indebtto -the .faid Eftate. are requefted to make immediate payment to PETER -BLAIR, 1 ,„ WM. DONALEj, J ...
... Eftate Jate Richard Scale's. The real Eftate late James Nixon's,. The Edward Thurf. t ton's. The Hart's. 'The real Eftate late Stephen DC- Alois's. The real Eftate late John AndrcWs. The Lot of Land, and Dwclling-Houfe, the Property ...
... Eftate of PATRICK SEXTON, -Parilh of Kil- cafh, County of Tippefary, Ireland, but late of Sf. John's, Shoreman, deceafed, are hereby requefted-to prefent them to the Subfcriber, duly attefted ; and all Perfons indebted to the faid Eftate ...