Today's secret word is 8 letters and means "Relating to land and farming." Can you find it?
Examples · An Inventory of the Eftate and Effefls 'belonging to, and of Debts owing by, this Inftit; u - tion, the ift of the ill Month, · Eftate (which fome ...
Efate (French: Éfaté) is an island in the Pacific Ocean which is part of the Shefa Province in Vanuatu. It is also known as Île Vate.
Eftates by fufferance. I. An eftate for years is a contract for the poffeffion of lands or tenements, for fome determinate period : and it happens where a man ...
An eftate-tail may be barred, or deftroyed, by a fine, by a common recovery, or by lineal warranty defcending with affets to the heir.
Things eftate often describes (“eftate ______”). tail. How eftate often is described (“______ eftate”). real, great, whole, own, particular, good, large ...
An Eftate in Tail. 5. An Eftate after Poffibility, &c. 6. An Eftate by Curtefey. 7. An Eftate in Dower. 8. A Jointure. 9. An Eftate for Life. 10. An Eftate for ...
the Eftate and Effects of the faid Bankrupt by public Sale or private Contract; and to affent to or diffent from the. Aflignees commencing, profecuting ...
dering a true account of the faid eftate or property, and of the profits thereof, and to deliver the fame according to the court's order, deducting fuch ...