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We found one dictionary that defines the word eftate: General (1 matching dictionary). Eftate, eftate: Wordnik. Google, News, Wikipedia, Reddit, X, BlueSky ...
Efate (French: Éfaté) is an island in the Pacific Ocean which is part of the Shefa Province in Vanuatu. It is also known as Île Vate.
A commiflion was to be granted to aperfon, not to thePrtflce of Wales; not to any branch of the Royal Family; and by this commiflion, this perfon was to be ...
— Adjectives for eftate: perfonal, real, great, whole, own, particular, good, large, legal, third, fmall, more... Commonly used words are shown in bold. Rare ...
Eftates by fufferance. I. An eftate for years is a contract for the poffeffion of lands or tenements, for fome determinate period : and it happens where a man ...
perfonal, real, great, whole, own, particular, good, large, legal, third, fmall, confiderable, paternal, low, private, whofe, firft, fuch, freehold, ...
Synonyms, Antonyms, and other words related to eftate:.
faid goods, chattels, perfonal eftate and debts, as fhall come to his or her poffeffion or knowledge, and the fame fhall in due time return to the regiſter.
But, if an eftate be limited to A for life, remainder to the eldeft fon of B in tail, and A dies before B hath any fon ; here the remainder will be void, for it ...