... CHRISTIAN Route I.Nevada BEREA CHRISTIAN Walker. Ph. 465-2582 BRONAUGH CHRISTIAN Bronaugri, Missouri CLAYTON CHRISTIAN Rural Deerfleld Ph 927-3219 COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN 301 W Walnut, Nevada Ph 667-7410 DEDERICK CHRISTIAN Ph. 784-8878 ...
... CHRISTIAN ANTIOCH CHRISTIAN Route 1, Nevada BEREA CHRISTIAN Walker, Ph. 465-2582 BRONAUGH CHRISTIAN Bronaugh, Missouri CLAYTON CHRISTIAN Rural DeertMd Ph. 927-3219 COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN 301 W walnut, Nevada Ph. 667-7410 DEDERICK CHRISTIAN ...
... Christian and Cecil Vaughn, Mre. 'McGee, Mrs Kyle and Miss Park attended the A. E. A. held In Birmingham recently. Mrs. Ensley Culpepper of Besse- •mer visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Christian during the past •week. Friends of ...
CHURCH OF GOD. ANTIOCH CHRISTIAN Route 1, Nevada BEREA CHRISTIAN Walker, Ph. 465-2582 BRONAUGH CHRISTIAN Bronaugh, MO. CLAYTON CHRISTIAN Rural Deerfield Phone 927-3219. COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN 301 W. Walnut, Nevada Phone 667-7410 DEDERICK ...
India's Christians: Intolerance rising Religious beliefs cloud BY HEMA SHUKLA. The Associated Press RAJKOT, India *- They stormed in without warning, 300 men who burned Bibles and told Hindu students that their Christian school was ...
... Christian or not one at all. I am glad you realize that when a person comes to Christ, they are to follow him as Lord of their lives. You would make a good disciple, and I hope you decide to take that step of commitment and become a ...
... Christian, Mack Leonard, Clarence Nabors, Fred Dunn, Hester Barnett. Manlcy Fields, Frank Fleldn and Joo Christian. Other visitors were Wllletto Christian, Lnrllne Chuppel!, Flora Chap- pell, Travis Dunn, Roy Chappell, Df S. Clements ...
... Christian Jr., Lucan Christian, Carl Schultz and George Edens. Mr. Christian died Sunday, June 1, at his residence. Born in Scott County, he was a farmhand at Belvedere Plantation'; Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Christian; two ...
... Christian Church Justin Avery Bronaugh. MO 64728 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening Youth Group 7:30 p.m.. Christian Science Society. Mam and Arch Nevada. MO 64772 Sunday Services at 10 a.m. Clayton Christian ...