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cheerful from
... cheerful. No ono teaches children to be cheerful. No one seems even lo realize how much profit there Is in being cheerful. Yet cheerfulness comes ncnrcr than nny other one thing to being the answer to all of the problems that vex us. It ...
cheerful from
... cheerful. The professionally cheerful person, who believes in being cheerful under all circumstances, seems to ignor the fact that sorrow is a large part of life's experience, and often a divine part, too. An abandonment to grief when a ...
cheerful from
... CHEERFUL MAN. Success: The cheerful man is pre-eminently a useful man. The cheerful man sees that everywhere the he good outbalances tho bud, and that every very ovll has its compensating halm A habit of cheerfulness enables ono to ...
cheerful from
... cheerful. No one te children to bo cheerful No one seems e\ realize how hiurh profit there Is In being < fill. Yet cheerfulness comes nearer thai other one thing to being the answer to the problems lhat vex us. It Is. to begin the ...
cheerful from
... Cheerful Moments to enter them, oa the contrary the publishers of Cheerful Moments welcome answers from everyone who reads these advertisements, feeling assured that they will bo so interested that they will become subscribers and ...
cheerful from
... cheerful rooms, near car- — line, semi-private bath, utilities. Field- brook S5.37. DORMONT Large, comfortable room, '-a — bloik cars, bus: gentleman. Lehigli. DORMONT Cheerful front room, private — home. Lady preferred Le. 0547. DORMONT ...
cheerful from
... cheerful people. The most cheerful and unselfish woman I ever saw was one who bad sorrows and worries enough for a dozen. You can change tho nature of your thoughts tf you are willing to try. No matter if your heart seems weighed down ...
cheerful from
... cheerful front than mere words. It's our attitude toward life and its problems^-the thinking that goes on in our minds from day to day. There are people whom we meet again and again who Inspire us without the ut- ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ Somttmnr ...
cheerful from
... cheerful. He was a light-hearted, free-and-easy sort of creature, and seemed to get something of the sunnier side of ... cheerful dog. The dog unconsciously takes to the ways of his master, and in his moods imitates the master's ...
cheerful from
KEEP A CHEERFUL MIND. Sot Only \Vh«n Thlnsjra Go Well, *«t "When Ton Meet DUaater. To be cheerful when the world in foing well with you is no great virtu*. The thing IB to be cheerful under disadvantageous circumstances. If o0e aas lost ...