... Bufinefs Gifts out-°f-fhe-ordinary all made in Decorative Leather Philadelphia Wants You in 1917. Let the 'leven little leathersmiths do it Welcome the Visitor as You Would Be Welcomed o Doubts. Patronize Our Advertisers Because They Are ...
... Bufinefs Gifts \HOr/ S— TOM musta Saved 2 Bucks - he ordered a Book. at I033 Haee Slreet out-of-{he-ordinary all made in Decorative Leather (Mi itker Go to San Francisco in 1915 -Philadelphia wants you in 1917 There Are Now One Hundred ...
... Bufinefs Gifts out- ^-{he-ordinary all made in Decorative Leather. /nt/Ay. for the 'leven 4' one (that's Morrison). Go to San Francisco in 1915— but send me $3.00 first Don't Forget to Put Up at the Rotary Hotel Patronize.