bufinefs from
... Bufinefs is now the A - la - mode Pretence , All wou'd be Men of Bufinefs , and of Senfe . The faithlefs Rover , when with Calia cloy'd , Still fwears , that Bufinefs has his Time employ'd : But when fhe fees him for another leave ...
bufinefs from
... bufinefs , and thereby cheated and defrauded his customers in his faid trade and bufinefs ) , and I ( meaning him felf the faid James ) can prove it ( meaning that the faid William fo mixed four fmall beer with the ftrong beer fold by ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs ; See Chap . 15. not Playing , or Drinking , or going to Stage - Plays , or mif - fpending our Time , & c . but fuch Bufinefs as appertains to an honeft and lawful Calling or Bufinefs confider'd abftractedly from the evil ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs on the Stage ; She plots , contrives , embroils , foments Confufion , And yet to Politicks makes not the leaft Allufion . Bufinefs is now the A - la - mode Pretence , All wou'd be Men of Bufinefs , and of Senfe . " The ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs , and thou toldft her , he did not . Now I would know what that Bufinefs was ? Still be made no Answer , but feemed to mufe . L. C. J. Look thee , if thou canst not compre- hend what I mean , I will repeat it to thee again ...
bufinefs from
... bufinefs in every branch of it , yet you are not bound to give your bufinefs away to them ; the diligence therefore of a good fervant in the master's bu- finefs fhould be a fpur to the mafter's diligence to take care of himself . THERE ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs of their respective Offices , without accepting or tak ing any other Bufinefs or Employment whatfoever , which shall or may in any manner interfere therewith ; and that the faid Examiners and their Succeffors in the faid Office ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs , fomewhat to grace themselves ; and will help the Matter , in Report , for Satisfac- tion ' fake . Use alfo fuch Perfons , as affect the Bufinefs , wherein they are employed ; for that quickeneth much ; and fuch , as are Fit ...
bufinefs from
... bufinefs ; his chief com- panions should be his books ; and if he has a family , he will make his excursions upstairs , and no further ; when he is there , a bell , or a call , brings him down ; and while he is in his parlour , his fhop ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs was well and foon dispatched , and the Records well kept . 2. It is obferved that as the Bufinefs of the Court increafed , the Attornies increafed to the • Number of fix , and the Examiners to the Num- ber of two , and fo kept ...