... Bufinefs of the Company's Factories within the Jurifdiction of the Nabob , fhall go on in its former Courfe : That we will never op- prefs or do Violence to any Perfons without Caufe ; that we will never offer Protec- tion to any ...
... Bufinefs on the Stage ; She plots , contrives , embroils , foments Confufion , And yet to Politicks makes not the leaft Allusion . Bufinefs is now the A - la - mode Pretence . All wou'd be Men of Business , and of Senfe . The ...
In Eight Volumes. Carefully Corrected. We think we have at laft done the bufinefs with the malecontents in ... Bufinefs relieves them from their own natural heavinefs , by by furnishing them with what to do ; whereas bufinefs ...
... Bufinefs that can be . It is like that which the Phyfi- cians call Predigeftion , or Hafty Di- geftion ; which is fure to fill the Body full of Cru- dities , and fecret Seeds of Diseases . Therefore measure no Dispatch by the Times of ...
... Bufinefs , and in Negligence without Quiet . Among the principal Names of this moderate fet is that great Phi- lofopher Jack Whirler , whofe Bufi- nefs keeps him in perpetual Motion , and whofe Motion always eludes his Bufinefs ; who is ...
... bufinefs done at times or places re- quired by law , is in fome cafes found to be a fixed cuftomary fum ; in others , it is not certain , but vary- ing ; and then it is a fource of fre- quent difpute , and caufes vexation and lofs to ...
... bufinefs , hav . ing been prevailed on by her friends to reaffume the fame again upon reprefentations that , fince her declining , they cannot procure any goods comparable to thofe flie ufed to vend ; - begs leave to acquaint her ...