"Bufinefs" appears to be a typo. Definitions [Related words] [Mentions] We found one dictionary that defines the word bufinefs.
'Bufinefs' is no one's favorite word yet, has no comments yet, and is not a valid Scrabble word.
Aug 22, 2008 · My guess is that it probably means 'business'. Either it was written in a very archaic style where the 's' looks like a bit like an 'f', or it was spoken by ...
ftitution, its bufinefs was conducted with renewed ardour and fuccefs. ABOUT the end of the year 1782,in a meeting of the ProfefTors of the Univerfity of ...
— Adjectives for bufinefs: public, whole, other, great, proper, own, important, chief, much, prefent, whofe, more... Commonly used words are shown in bold ...
8 days ago · noun · Also calledAnglo-Saxon the English language from the time of the earliest settlements in the fifth century ad to about 1100. · printing a ...
Although I was abfent at the time, and had no concern whatever in the bufinefs as was known to a number of refpectable witneffes, I was neverthelefs ...
may 1~eenabled to tra'nfaEt the bufinefs relating to laid congregation: And whereas it appears reafonable to theLegiflature that the laid requelt.
"Wanted, an apprentice to the Watchmaking bufinefs, a fmart aftive Boy, 13 or 14 years of age. Enquire of Samuel Stiles." Advertisement in the Hampshire Gazette