bufinefs from
... Bufinefs ; See Chap . 15. not Playing , or Drinking , or going to Stage - Plays , or mif - fpending our Time , & c . but fuch Bufinefs as appertains to an honeft and lawful Calling or Bufinefs confider'd abftractedly from the evil ...
bufinefs from
... bufinefs , but let the mafter be at the head of the business at all times : there is a great deal of difference between being dili- gent in the business in the shop , and leading the whole business of the Shop ; an apprentice who is ...
bufinefs from
... bufinefs of the Board , upon due confideration any improvement in the conduct of bufinefs might have fug- gefted itfelf , I cannot fay ; but I have at prefent certainly nothing to offer in that respect . Q. 10. Would it be attended ...
bufinefs from
... bufinefs , and improving their fpare hours together ; to leave their fhops , and quit their counters in the pro- per feasons for their attendance there , would be a prepofterous negligence , would be going out of bufinefs to gain bufinefs ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs [ buftle ] Tumultus , 4. tumultuatio , 3. turba , 1 . Bufinefs [ imployment ] Negotium , 2. negotiatio , 3. commer- cium , 2. occupationes , um , f . pl . That is not our business , [ we do not make that our business ] id non ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs of his Life . This implies three Things ; 1. That his Behaviour or Practice in the World , be univerfally conformed to , and directed by chriftian Rules . 2. That he makes a Bufinefs of fuch a holy Practice above all Things ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs as appertains to an honeft and lawful Calling or Bufinefs confider'd abftractedly from the evil Concomitants of it : For lawful Bufinefs is one Thing , and the Way of managing of it is another . A Man may manage even his lawful ...
bufinefs from
... bufinefs went on well for me , bene But that we use the words o tum eft piperts etiam oleribus im- profperèque boc operis proceffit mibi . therwife , nifi quod verbis aliter u- A Bufinefs [ thing ] R. tamur . But that Torquatus's An ill ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs : As if Bufinefs could be done before it were dispatched : Or they were to be paid a Part , one by the Go- vernment , t'other by the Party : 389. Dispatch is as much the Duty of an Officer , as doing ; and very much the Honour ...
bufinefs from
... Bufinefs of their refpective Offices , without accepting or tak ing any other Bufinefs or Employment whatfoever , which shall or may in any manner interfere therewith ; and that the faid Examiners and their Succeffors in the faid Office ...