... abuse order. • A lonely young man decided he didn't want to live anymore. The calls went on and on. All different and yel, somehow, all the same — people in trouble who needed help no ... abuse. But it was too Please see ABUSE, B2.
... abuse. And when reports level off, as they have in Allegheny County, it doesn't necessarily mean human service agencies have turned the corner in the battle against abuse. • The proportion of confirmed child abuse cases has risen along ...
... abuse investigators spend an average of only about 5.8 hours on each case— about half the minimum recommended by national child-abuse experts, according to The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star of Norfolk. "If there was more time ...
... abuse never happened. She is part of a growing movement that questions whether all memories of abuse, especially those retrieved years after the fact, are true. "The books all say, 'Don't doubt,'" said Carlson, who is suing her ...
... abuse The poll, taken following reports by stat and federal agencies of a rise in child abuse in the previous 18 months, also showed that nearly nine out of 10 Americans believe abused children are more likely to become involved i crime ...
... abuse. This is despite the fact that it is often teachers who may first be faced with signs of such abuse in children. For Sandra Heilpern this disturbing situation highlights the community's slowness to respond to what is now appearing ...
while child abuse soaring in Dade . MIAMI (UPI) — Child abuse kills an average of two infants a month in the Miami area and officials said Monday that unemployment and economic frustration have made child abuse the area's "No. 1 health ...
... abuse has taken place. "The first thing we want to do is call Children and Family Services and get an expert involved," Dr Whoeler said. "Our job is to examine the child, get a medical history, and determine if any evidence of sexual abuse ...
... abuse. . Mrs. Hauhuth made the appointment in response to an invitation from Gov. William O'Neill concerning the state program. In October, O'Neill accepted recommendations that comprised a major substance abuse prevention program. The ...
... abuse and this month is generating awareness in Albany by distributing Internet awareness pamphlets to parents of young school-age children, making them aware of child abuse through the Internet. Also, Southwest Georgia Exchange ...