... Wort is the most Mirn-.-f.ful remedy 1 have over used. Gives almost immediate relief." Dr. Phillip 0. Ballmi, Monkton, Vt. Have you 'Liver Complaint? "Kidney-Wort cured me of chronic- Liver Diseases after I prayed to die." Henry Ward ...
... wort plant. In fact, in Germany it's the leading antidepressant, outselling all the available prescription antidepressants. By the way, the word "wort" is the old English term for "plant." What is it about St. John's wort that helps ...
... Wort Is tbo roost aurct^sful roincily I llaye | lramc<llato rt'llof." Dr. I'lmllp O. BaUou, ilonkton, Vt Have you Liver Complaint? "Kidney-Wort cured mo of chroulo Llvor Wso»ae« 0»tb.Nat.auard,3f.7. Is your Back lame and aching? "Kidney ...
... Wort cured mofrom nervous weakness ic., »,tcr I was not expected to Uto."-Urs. U. M. B. Goodwin, Ed. WriiHcti ionilor, Cleietand, 0. Have you Bright's Disease? "Kidney-wort cured r.ie wbcn tar water wo» just like chalk anil then like ...
... Wort Is your Back lame and aching1/ •"Kldiiuy Wort. U buttlu) curod MIS whon I *»»«< UUM I Lad to "VM^., Mllw.uk*,, Wl* Have you Kidney Disease? m»do mo •oiuid Inllror wid kidni-y« y-Wirt aTM of uimuor..i«ful .l.«'t«rliig. Ita worib ...
... wort to lift sagging spirits. Now millions of Americans have started using it to lift drooping bellies and backsides as well. St. John's wort has soared in popularity as a weight-loss supplement ever since two diet drugs were pulled ...
... wort is an herb. In North America, organized medicine has looked askance at herbal remedies since scientific proof for their efficacy is scarce. However, in Germany doctors have confidently prescribed St. John's wort for many years and ...
... Wort nhnul-i be at once taken aa a suro prateclloii acalnst orKanlc kidney affections Kidney-Wort is thr on* saf^Ruard aeamst any of the Ills that result from a diminished artlon of the kidnoys. ft hands over to the other excretory ...
... wort in treating minor depression. Reliable information about St. John's wort would surely help. Even after a spate of bad publicity last year, this is still one of the top 25 US. dietary supplements, with sales estimated at $105 ...
... Wort cured me when iny water wasjust liko challc and then like blond." Frank Wilson, Peabody, Mass. Suffering from Diabetes ? "Kidn -y -Wort is tho most sucrossf ul remedy I have over used. Gives almost immediate n-hef." Dr. Phillip ...