... Walloon Region. Moreover, all the board members of BSCA are appointed by and answerable to the Walloon Region. The applicant also claims that, throughout the ne- gotiations which preceded conclusion of the agreements at issue, the ...
... Walloon litera- WALLOONS ( Wallons , from a common Teut . word meaning ture . He published a valuable dictionary of the patois . The " foreign , " cf. Ger . welsch , Du . waalsch , Eng . Welsh ) , a people | Curé C. E. E. Du Vivier de ...
... Walloon and occasionally as at Alcurah Creek in the Middle Walloon , but always in rocks of a calcareous nature , is a red fossiliferous limonite which breaks with an uneven fracture and is highly prolific in fossil remains lying in all ...
... Walloon alien labor USE Alien labor , Walloon Walloon Americans ( May Subd Geog ) UF Walloon Americans - United States BT Belgian Americans Ethnology - United States Walloons - United States United States USE Walloon Americans Walloon ...
... Walloon Church of Norwich . London , Thursday , 24 February ( = 5 March ] . The Synod of the Dutch and French Churches of London , to the Walloon Church of Canterbury . 2976 . " Canterbury , Thursday , 24 February [ = 5 March ] ...
... Walloon Process - Twice Melting - Down Process ( Zweimalschmelzerei ) .- The iron treated by the Walloon process is a purer white or mottled charcoal iron poor in ... WALLOON PROCESS . 761 Walloon Process-Twice Melting-Down Process.