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Vienna from
... Vienna, a son of Henry J. and Alice L Mackey Huffman. He was a member of the Vienna Fire Department for 27 years, and was its chief for five years. He also served 21 years with the Howland Fire Department, where he achieved the rank of ...
Vienna from
Vienna Uioir Boys nave ancient musical heritage. With a history dating back to the 15th century, the Vienna Choir Boys arrive in Ottawa orr March 5 for a single concert presentation. Sponsored by Tremblay Concerts, the Vienna Choir will ...
Vienna from
... Vienna — Our morning tour will show you St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Holburg the beautilul church ol St. Charles and the Danube. July IB — Wednesday — Vienna — Dream ol walu:<s In the w;»nerwjlil on our alternoon optional excursion to ...
Vienna from
... Vienna clinched plans for fcorcd o Svdney ft courageous visit when Win she in the Dingley Stakes at Sandown Park on Saturday Tlehtwelght Cendrillon looked certain to beat Vienna a«cr turning tor home, but Vienna proved her class by ...
Vienna from
Vienna Traditional center for spying. AY IQftXT t> By t>» ALISON AY dlUA IQftXT dlUTAYCi SMALE The AMOclated Press VIENNA, Austria The inves— tigation of senior diplomat Felix S. Bloch on suspicion he spied for the Soviets has again ...
Vienna from
Vienna— Postwar Spy Spot. \1ENNA, Austria— Beneath the exquisite baroque surface of this old city, there are some strange goings on. Vienna is the great spy center of postwar Europe. The rival i n t e 1 1 1 gence services even conduct ...
Vienna from
... Vienna is a vivacious brunette by the name of Heidi Offenberger. Last summer, Heidi was script girl, interpreter, researcher, Gal Friday, production assistant and "deceased baroness" in connection xvith David Brinkloy's "Our Man in Vienna ...
Vienna from
... Vienna Eleanor's Meadows, 42 acres Bonwell's Regulation on Hall's Seat 56 acrea lots in Vienna. Lot No. 13; part, 100 acres; Lot Lots in Vienna; Nos. 31 and 25 25.1 The Last Shift 131 1-4 acres Meddlesome !' acres. Bachplor's Forest ...
Vienna from
... VIENNA — The reopening of the Vienna Slate Opera's rebuilt house Nov 5, 1955. will be, according to the opera- minded Viennese press, the greatest event since the opening of Bayreulh, or possibly since Ihe burning of Rome. Almost ...
Vienna from
... Vienna still clings to Imperial trappings even though the Auslro-Hungarlan Empire has long since disappeared The great buildings clinging to the Ring — the Staatsoper. the Houses of Parliament with huge statue of Pallas Athena standing ...