Fiscal Times columnist David Dayen recounts how these ordinary Floridians challenged the most powerful institutions in America armed only with the truth—and for a brief moment they brought the corrupt financial industry to its knees.
John Hollander, Yale University There hasn t been an adequate history of the business of poetic titling until this new book by Ferry, and it is stimulating and welcome. . . .This is an indispensable hornbook.
... Title : COLD CREAM . For Toilet Creams . FRENCH BEAUTY PRODUCTS CO . , INC . , New York , N. Y. Published October 4 , 1926 . 31,265 . - Title : COLD CREAM . For Toilet Cream . FRENCH BEAUTY PRODUCTS CO . , INC . , New York , N. Y. ...
... title , sections 5315 and 5316 of Title 5 , Government Organization and Em- ployees , sections 1431 , 2012 , 2019 , and 2023 of Title 7 , Agriculture , and sections 1401 , 1402 , 3101 , 3111 , 3121 , 6051 , and 6413 of Title 26 ...
... title , and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sec- tions 77g , 780 , and 78s of this title ] may be cited as the ' Securities Enforcement Remedies and Penny Stock Reform Act of 1990 ' . " Pub . L. 101-429 ...