Spanish from
This novel approach challenges the "foreigner" status of Spanish and shows that racialization victims do not take their oppression meekly.
Spanish from
This is a complete, unabridged republication of a Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, which was specially prepared by nationally known linguists for the U.S. War Department (TM#30-900).
Spanish from
This is a children's sound board book, containing 6 children's songs sung in Spanish. All content in the book is original, including the illustrations, texts (in Spanish and English), translations and all 6 originally-produced songs.
Spanish from
Prepared by U.S. linguists, this dictionary uses idioms, phrases, and sentences as basic units — not single words.
Spanish from
Contains elementary-level lessons in practical Spanish designed for teachers who have little or no knowledge of Spanish themselves.
Spanish from
SPANISH SENTENCES Vol.2: Spanish to English THIS EDITION: The dual-language text has been arranged into sentences for quick and easy cross-referencing. The text can be used on its own.
Spanish from
How do you say hello in Spanish? Explore the pages of this Spanish English picture dictionary to learn new words and phrases. Colorful photographs and simple labels make learning Spanish fun.
Spanish from
How to Learn Spanish is a comprehensive guide for students of Spanish.
Spanish from
... Spanish words used in English is surprisingly long ! The Cognate Connection Want to pick up Spanish really quickly ? Learn your cognates ! What are they ? Quite simply , a cognate is a word spelled exactly the same ( or almost the same ) ...