This is a complete, unabridged republication of a Dictionary of Spoken Spanish, which was specially prepared by nationally known linguists for the U.S. War Department (TM#30-900).
The suggested mnemonics aim to help an educated English-speaking person. An adult or young adult who likes learning vocabulary with some word analysis instead of rote memory will find this book to be helpful and a joy to read.
How do you say hello in Spanish? Explore the pages of this Spanish English picture dictionary to learn new words and phrases. Colorful photographs and simple labels make learning Spanish fun.
SPANISH SENTENCES Vol.2: Spanish to English THIS EDITION: The dual-language text has been arranged into sentences for quick and easy cross-referencing. The text can be used on its own.
This is a children's sound board book, containing 6 children's songs sung in Spanish. All content in the book is original, including the illustrations, texts (in Spanish and English), translations and all 6 originally-produced songs.
Less expensive than even small-size Spanish dictionaries, Random House Webster's Handy Spanish Dictionary offers over 40,000 definitions -- at a low price.