GRID IN SOUTH SCOTLAND WORK BEGUN ON SCHEME. Th* pT*»*raUoo* which art now htitij mad* in connection with tb* Central Electricity Board's South of Scotland *cb*m* wen referred to by Mr. A. E. M-CoD, of tb* Board, in an addr**t ytttttday ...
... South Scotland Electricity Board is fired by coal rather than oil. Mr Guy Stobbs told delegates to the annual conference of the National Union of Mineworkers (Scottish Area) that on this issue he and other members of their executive ...
... Scotland Agricultural College, -member of the Scottish Agricultural Improve- ment Council and of the committee of ... South of Scotland A.E.C.. a governor of the Watt of Scotland Asrtcvltvral College, member of N.F.U. council, and ...
... South Scotland scheme bad MSB* into operation that tbe effect bad been very materially to increase the price paid by local authorities for sulk for hospitals and other instiiuUona. $ie WM told that GUafow ... South of Scotland Order.
... south of Scotland. It w«s stated at the meeting tMat the supply had been cut off 'ro« an Edinburgh flat four days after the occupant as) Ed I B B • r g h University lecturer, had paid • bill — overdue because h« had been on a long hoH ...
... South Scotland and thundery rain will move acrosg Wales -and South-West England' followed by cooler, mostly dry weather. North Scotland will be cloud* but mostlv dry, with patches- of sefr fog in North-East Scotland. Warmj genera My ...
... Scotland the increase in electricity iiupply has been considerable, and while itbe more -densely populated areas ... South Scotland -^e, the area south of that of the North of Scotland Board,. fThe two bodies referred to are the ...
... SOUTH OF SCOTLAND ELECTRICITY BOARD. ENERGY ACT 1983 — TARD7FS FOR PRIVATE GENERATORS OR SUPPLIERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the South Scotland Electricity Board have fixed tariffs in respect prices and charges for Private ...
... South of Scotland District operate independently of their associated industries. With the Bill — the Statutory Corporations- (Financial Provisions) Bill ~~ expected to become law 'tuns summer tiiese councils fill be seer by the public ...
... South Scotland. The new rates, not yet fixed, will be introduced in October ana are the result of the rise In coal costs. They arc needed to prevent the South of Scotland Electricity Board oing " in the red " to the tune of 1,500,000.