... Sauerland . Ein brief des Königs Sigmund von Ungarn an den Grossmeister des Johanniter - Ordens Sauerland . Urkunde Erzb . Poppos ( v . Trier ) zu gunsten d . Klosters Mergen . TrierArch 3 ( 1899 ) 76,77 . Sauerland . Urkunde zu ...
... Sauerland ( 1999b ) proposes an alternative account , which makes use of the claims about the derivation made in this chapter and also of Sauerland's ( 1999a ) notion of PF movement . Sauerland ( 1999a ) proposes that we reanalyze ...
... Sauerland , N Mizuno . Brain Res 13 : 556 , 69. Cortically induced presynaptic inhibition of trigeminal proprioceptive afferents . EK Sauerland , N Mizuno . Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 35:16 , 70. Effect of ethyl alcohol on trigeminal ...
... Sauerland's decision to stay in office , rumours abounded that Sauerland expected that not enough voters would show up for the referendum since voter turnout is normally low in Duisburg . 213 In the weeks before the referendum was to be ...
... Sauerland South of the British sphere of operations in northern Germany , the first place where American units ran into difficulty with guerrillas was in a heavily for- ested and rainy corner of Westphalia called ' the Sauerland ...
... Sauerland's three arguments for QR out of DP. I present (a slightly modified version of) his mechanism for constraining QR. I show that it both over- and under- generates. I conclude by arguing that the readings Sauerland uses to ...
... Sauerland , N Mizuno . Brain Res 13 : 556 , 69. Cortically induced presynaptic inhibition of trigeminal proprioceptive afferents . EK Sauerland , N Mizuno . Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 35:16 , 70. Effect of ethyl alcohol on trigeminal ...
... Sauerland system, and in 4.2.4 and 4.2.5, I show how we can derive the subject/object asymmetry in their system. 4.2.2 Percus & Sauerland (2003a), (2003b): The Case for De Se LFs Recall the contrast under investigation, repeated in (225) ...
... Sauerland's theory is that the ability of certain number features to combine with a DP is based solely on the semantic properties of the DP and not on any type of syntactic restriction . Sauerland ( 2003 ) provides two main arguments ...