Sauerland from
... Sauerland . Urkunde zu gunsten von S. Alban . 1473 , Trier . Trier Arch 3 ( 1899 ) 78,79 . Sauerland , A. V. Sauerland , H. V. Eine urkunde Papst Martins V. ZGeschJud 5 ( 1892 ) 382-3 . Actenstücke zur geschichte des Papstes Urban VI ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland ( 1999b ) proposes an alternative account , which makes use of the claims about the derivation made in this chapter and also of Sauerland's ( 1999a ) notion of PF movement . Sauerland ( 1999a ) proposes that we reanalyze ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland South of the British sphere of operations in northern Germany , the first place where American units ran into difficulty with guerrillas was in a heavily for- ested and rainy corner of Westphalia called ' the Sauerland ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland's decision to stay in office , rumours abounded that Sauerland expected that not enough voters would show up for the referendum since voter turnout is normally low in Duisburg . 213 In the weeks before the referendum was to be ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland , N Mizuno . Brain Res 13 : 556 , 69. Cortically induced presynaptic inhibition of trigeminal proprioceptive afferents . EK Sauerland , N Mizuno . Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 35:16 , 70. Effect of ethyl alcohol on trigeminal ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland's three arguments for QR out of DP . I present ( a slightly modified version of ) his mechanism for constrain- ing QR . I show that it both over- and under- generates . I conclude by arguing that the readings Sauerland uses to ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland, Urkunden, etc., i, pp. xvii-xviii. 2 Mansi, xxii, 213 ff.; Hefele, v, 711; ch. 13. 1 Hefele. v. 872 ff.; Sauerland, i, lx, ch. 29. 2 Sauerland, I, lxi, chs. 13, 18. 3 Ib. i, lxi. 1 Sauerland, lxiv. 2 Ib. lxv. 3 Ib. lxii-iii ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland , N Mizuno . Brain Res 13 : 556 , 69. Cortically induced presynaptic inhibition of trigeminal proprioceptive afferents . EK Sauerland , N Mizuno . Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 35:16 , 70. Effect of ethyl alcohol on trigeminal ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland system, and in 4.2.4 and 4.2.5, I show how we can derive the subject/object asymmetry in their system. 4.2.2 Percus & Sauerland (2003a), (2003b): The Case for De Se LFs Recall the contrast under investigation, repeated in (225) ...
Sauerland from
... Sauerland's theory is that the ability of certain number features to combine with a DP is based solely on the semantic properties of the DP and not on any type of syntactic restriction . Sauerland ( 2003 ) provides two main arguments ...