... Sartor Hesartus." It Is difficult to Imagine anything less suitable for serial publication than "Sartor Resartus," but on the other hand it is a work of genius, nnd a most notable contribution to English literature. It began serial ...
... Sartor Resartus '' aud the apostrophe to Marie Antoinette 'n " The Diamciid Necklace " were giveii witli the raro directness, taste, and intelligence that always characterizes her renderirgs. Poetic and lighter numbers were also on the ...
... Sartor Resartus" he dis- cussed wearing apparel of every kind and did his work so thoroughly that nobody else has dared, on the same scale, to tackle the stupendous theme. Bub even he failed to recognise the vital importance of clothes ...
... Sartor resartus;" "The French revolution;" "The life of Friederich Schiller;" "On heroes and hero worship;" "Past and present;" "Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches;" "Critical and miscellaneous essays;" "Latter day pamphlets ...
sartor nwrk. A. Sartor. Writer: If the writer of the letter to the editor who signed his name, Sartor Resartus, will own up to his opinions by revealing his real name, The News-Dis patch will be glad to publish the letter in its entirety ...
... SARTOR RESARTUS. Professor „ , , MacKay's address before ! he Liitersirv Section of the Art So- °ty °" <<The Orlgrinal Teufelsdroeckh" proved proved roved a great treat to the audit-nee , 01 01 1 Carlyle lovers who gathered in ' spite ...
CARLYLE PRIZED FIRST LOVE. Margaret Gordon Was the Original of Blumlne In "Sartor Resartus," Says the Critic. During ... Sartor Resartus?" One critic would have us answer that although Jane Welsh might have Inspired some of the ...
... Sartor Resartus of Carlyle. The lecturer briefly narrated the chief events hi the .life -of Carlyle and then endeavored to show the re- la-tkmship of Sartor Rsairtus to thr period In which it was written. Eng- land, a.nd in-deed Europe ...
... Sartor Resartus?" \rd did you ever attend the Xew Tork Hors- Show? If you have done both, you " know' that Sartor Hesarius" js a book about clothes, ostensibly, but really about nearly everything else that the nted of man can think of ...
... Sartor Resartus— Thomas Carlyle: : This book, written In 1831, did not t arhlevo Immediate success — In fact. . Cnrlylo had difficulty In getting accepted by a publisher. Even when It finally was printed it was not all popular, partly ...