... vertu si forte et si puissante que par elle sont toutes choses terriennes mises ą point ne jamais ne changera . " And after this virtue , you had besides me plaist plus que l'autre ne fist oncques ne jamais MORUS . 61.
Kenelm Henry Digby. Christian chivalry ; in the next book , which is called Morus , we have been engaged in the melan- choly review of the crimes and errors which led so many men to abandon truth ; I propose , in the present sheets , to ...
Kenelm Henry Digby. Christian chivalry ; in the next book , which is called Morus , we have been engaged in the melan- choly review of the crimes and errors which led so many men to abandon truth ; I propose , in the present sheets , to ...
... Morus alba , var . nigriformis , III . 298 . Morus alba , var . serrata , III . 302 . Morus alba , var . stylosa , III . 298 . Morus alba , var . tatarica , III . 295 . Morus alba , var . vulgaris , III . 295 . ? Morus atropurpurea , III .