... Lucretius. Having that, however, one must qualify, for it was Omar and not Lucretius who looked d upon the possibility of annihilation with h sadness, and who, when in that mood, d, took refuge in the joys of the present as an anodyne ...
... Lucretius paid tribute to the genius of Empedo- c>s. As to the Roman, the Greek stood forth above his fellow men, so to the speaker Lucretius is the strong figure of Roman. Professor Woodberry frankly doubted his aliiliiy to make his ...
... Lucretius. As such, it contains much of Lucretius' own text in many lengthy quotations. The poetic approach of Prof. Winspear to the poet's verse cannot fail to impress even those who think poetry and philosophy do not mix or others ...
... Lucretius as sticks to beat Mr. Darwin and Mr Huxley with. lie suggests, though ho docs not say, that tho speculations of Lucretius come to nearly the same thing as tboao of 'our modern physicists' (whoever may he included in that term ...
... Lucretius against the anclout paganism. Lucretius had hatred for ambition, loathing for superstition, ardor in proclaiming his faith, and great enthusiasm and love for Epicurus. Ihe ardor of the early Christians cannot be compared to ...
... Lucretius, horn Khoiit fW R. C. ThPtP is hardlv a learned atomic man ot thp Twen- tipth Cpntury who has not quoicd hi* pan-on Lucre- tins apprnvingl" Ry study- In? l.urrPMus, \\fi come to Understand the tenpts and thinking of atomic ...
... Lucretius," and it extends to about three hundred lines. It opens with the statement that Lucretius. recently married, returning home with his brain full of the philosophical notions which he bad been studying in the fields, met the ...
... Lucretius, poet, philosopher, scientist and sometimes clairvoyant, whose far-sighted theories regardthe nature of things sound astonishingly like the cepts of physics. Lucretius, or, more correctly, Titus Lucretius Carus. is an obscure ...
... Lucretius, William A, Merrill, professor of latin in the university, has now issued in the University of California publications in classical philology, a revised text of the old Roman's great poem. "Dc Reruin Nat ura," or "On the ...
... Lucretius), thinks the reason why he does not stand so high in the minds of other scholars is because of this banishment. Landor himself had much of this same Roman spirit. Lucretius is the loftiest of all the Roman poets, and not BO ...