... Lord Clifford of Chudleigh, who refuses to Identify the agent general publicly, but has agreed to supply his name in confidence to the Home Office. Lord Clifford is currently leading another campaign In the House of Lords for ...
... Lord Claude Hamilton the Conservative candidate. The Executive Committee of the Home Rule Confederation of Great ... CLIFFORD. The announcement is made this morning of the death of Lord Clifford at his residence in Devonshire. Lord ...
... Lord de Clifford stood indicted for felony. "The King against Edward Southwell Bueaell Lord de Clifford," tbe Clerk announced, and read, " Statement of offence — Manslaughter. Particolars of offence— Edward Southwell 'Russell Lord de ...
... (Lord Clifford of Chudleigh) refused to go ahead with a debate on immigration which he had sponsored. Lord Clifford had tabled a motion calling for a debate on arrangements for entry into Britain "which enable Her Majesty's subjects from ...
... Lord Clifford of Chudleigh. Lord 'Clifford died in Lady Clifford said England at the age of 75 last night that Lord The new Lord Clifford Clifford's health would Is well known for his not allow him to 'travel help to the Boy Scout to ...
... Lord de Clifford stco£ indicted for felony. "'The King against Edward Southwell Russell Lord de Clifford," the Clerk announced, -and read, " Statement of offence — aianslaughter. Particolars of offence- Edward Southwell -Russell Lord de ...
... Clifford, who died at •Bannoetbarn. In tho Scottish War of Independence tho first Lord d« Clifford, 'whcee vast estates in the North of England broujht him in thcso troubled times the office of Warden of tho Siotfcth Marches, plercd a ...
COLOUR ELECTRONS. THE MYSTERY OF MATTER. LORD CLIFFORD'S THEORY. The Editor of the "Sydney Morning lias received an Interesting letter from Lord Clifford of Chudleigh, who appears to have evolved a remarkable theory as the result of ...
... Lord* to-tifwt Earl -Cawdor-aakod whether any infomatMO could ba given aa to to* reoant diatvrbaaoaa at Poftunoirlh ... Clifford of Chudicsgh. aub-*ectioB S, which limited the right of making an appeal to the period when tho bill into ...
... Lord Clifford makes clear, great care must be taken that only the right shade of each color Is used — otherwise opposite results may be obtained. Lord Clifford even went so far as to suggest that "colds" might be cured by the wearing of ...