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Lord Chief Justice from
... lord chief Justice had hardly taken Ms seat when General Owen "Williams stepped to the front of the bench and said, his face pale with emotion and his voice husky wieh feeling: "My lord, 1 have to ask your protection. Yesterday sir ...
Lord Chief Justice from
THE LORD CHANCELLOR LETTER TO LORD CHIEF JUSTICE. Viscouct BANKEY. the Lord Chancellor, declared that th* Lord Chtef Justice'* epeech took him entirely by surprise and anuued him. He regrcted that the Lord Chief Justice had not given him ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Justice Way, of South Australia, aa thep'liivit Australian judge appointed a momb'dr of tho judicial committee of tho Privy Council, took place last night, and was a brilliant function. Tho guosts included Lord ... Chief Justice Way, and ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Lord Chief Justice of England, Sir Alexander Conkburn, whose noble and persistent assertion from the Bench of the ... Lord Chief Justice in the celebrated cause of Wason v. Walter— an action against the Time* for tho publication of ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Lord Chief Justice Coleridge's charge to the jury strongly against Sir William Gordon Camming, plaintiff in the famous baccarat slander suit, a verdict for the defense was speedily returned to-day. Whatever may have been the points made by ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Chief Justice, should it become vacant . during ,hts attorney-generalship. > The The claim claim has been advanced ... Lord Tentcrden, Bpat, «nd Alexander — -who, also, never were Attorney- Generals ; and recollecting, moreover, that Lord ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Lord Chief Justice himself met liis hosts on the same democratic level of dress, so that the idea of the "proper thing," hi the way of attire, so important on occasions of this character to the mind of "dudedom,''. was not violated, we ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Lord Chief Justice Russell and his witty colleague,. Sir Frank Lockwood. After the 'convention, at which Lord Russell will deliver an address, the two renowned counsels will travel leisurely across the country, accompanied by their ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Lord ?" — Loid Chief Justice " Yos : and look to it ; it may hn I know the man nlrencly ; and tell at what end of the town the man lives too." Dunne — "My Lord, I cannot tell his name presently.". Loid Chief Justice — "Oh! pray now, do ...
Lord Chief Justice from
... Lord Chief Justice of England and two associate justices sitting in appeal In the King's Bench Division had all had ... Lord Chief Justice and associates took over and there was. a fine trial as TO whether the speedometer part of ...