THE LORD CHANCELLOR LETTER TO LORD CHIEF JUSTICE. Viscouct BANKEY. the Lord Chancellor, declared that th* Lord Chtef Justice'* epeech took him entirely by surprise and anuued him. He regrcted that the Lord Chief Justice had not given him ...
... Lord B Hew stated in reply lo the letter that he believed he tatoopd Roger with an anchor, heart and cross, adding that Roger h-id also a splotch on his arm, The defendant had tbe very same splotch. The Lord Chief Justice — Lord Bellew ...
... lord chief Justice had hardly taken Ms seat when General Owen "Williams stepped to the front of the bench and said, his face pale with emotion and his voice husky wieh feeling: "My lord, 1 have to ask your protection. Yesterday sir ...
HE LORD CHANCELLOR LETTER TO LORD CHIEF JUSTICE. Vitcouct SAXKEY. tbe Lord phancellor, declared that the Lord Chief Justice's epeech took him entirely by surprise and amazed bun. H< regrcted that the Lord Chief Justice had not given him ...
... Justice Way, of South Australia, aa thep'liivit Australian judge appointed a momb'dr of tho judicial committee of tho Privy Council, took place last night, and was a brilliant function. Tho guosts included Lord ... Chief Justice Way, and ...
... Lord Parker's resignation and has approved the conferment of a life peerage on Lord Justice Widgery on his appointment as Lord Chief Justice. Lord Parker, who will be 71 In May, has .been a Judge foe 21 years and Lord Chief Justice for ...
LORD CHIEF JUSTICE CREATES STIR IN HOUSE OF LORDS. Attacks the Government. AFFRONT TO EX-LABOR MINISTER. THREAT TO ADJOURN COURT AND HOLD UP. BILL. LONDON, llth December. A 'sensation occurred in the House of Lords to-day, when Lord Chief ...
... justice by Bernard Levin, columnist jf The Times, following Lord Goddard's death at the age of. Goddard. lord chief justice from 19-16 to 195S. was known as a "hanging judge" in the days before Britain abolished capital punishment. L e ...
... Lord ?" — Loid Chief Justice " Yos : and look to it ; it may hn I know the man nlrencly ; and tell at what end of the town the man lives too." Dunne — "My Lord, I cannot tell his name presently.". Loid Chief Justice — "Oh! pray now, do ...
... Lord Parker's resignation and has approved the conferment of a life peerage on Lord Justice Widgery on his appojntment as Lord Chief Justice. Lord Parker, who will be 71 fn May, has .been a Judge foi 21 years and Lord Chief Justice for ...