... SURFACE Why , look'ee , Joseph , I hope I shall never deliberately do a dishonourable action ; but if a pretty woman was purposely to throw herself in my way - and that pretty woman married to a man old enough to be her father- JOSEPH ...
... Joseph Surface , Mr. C. Warner ; Charles Surface , Mr. Kendal ; Crabtree , Mr. Rignold ; Careless , Mr. F. Robertson ; Rowley , Mr. Kemble ; Moses , Mr. A. Cecil ; Snake , Mr. G. Grossmith , jun .; Trip , Mr. T. Thorne ; Sir Harry ...
... JOSEPH SURFACE . Joseph . Sir , I beg you ten thousand pardons for keeping you a moment waiting . Mr. Stanley , I presume . Sir O. At ycur service . Joseph . Sir , I beg you will do me the honour to sit down : I entreat you , sir ...
... Joseph.- ( Aside . ) Charles . Oh , hang him ! he's a very anchorite , a young hermit . Sir P. Harkye ! you must not ... Surface throws down the screen , JOSEPH SURFACE enters . Charles . Lady Teazle ! by all that's wonder- ful ...
... Joseph S. Hush ! I beg your pardon , but Sir Peter has overheard all we have been saying . Iknew you would clear ... SURFACE . Sir Peter T. And in future perhaps we may not be such strangers . Joseph S. Gentlemen , I beg pardon I ...
Englishman. viction by refusing to- [ Exeunt Sir Peter and Surface Talking . are not so now ! All mute ! -Well - though I Joseph S. You are too rash , Sir Peter ; you can make nothing of the affair , I suppose you shall hear me . The man ...
... Joseph S. Hush ! I beg your pardon , but Sir Peter has overheard all we have been saying . Iknew you would clear ... SURFACE . Sir Peter T. And in future perhaps we may not be such strangers . Joseph S. Gentlemen , I beg pardon - I ...
... Joseph S. Sir Peter notwithstanding - I confess - that appearances are against me -if [ Exeunt Sir Peter and Surface Talking . ACT V. SCENE I - The Library . Enter JOSEPH SURFACE and Servant . Joseph S. Mr. Stanley ! -and why should you ...
... Joseph S. You are too rash , Sir Peter ; you can make nothing of the affair , I suppose you shall hear me . The man ... Surface Talking . ACT V. SCENE L - The Library . Enter JOSEPH SURFACE and Servant . Joseph S. Mr. Stanley ...
... JOSEPH SURFACE and Servant . Joseph S. Sir Peter - notwithstanding - 1 confess that appearances are against me - if Joseph S. Mr. Stanley ! -and why should you will afford me your patience - I make no you think I would see him ? you ...