... Hist . of Music , vol . v . p . 70. The name of this famous musical man was Thomas Britton . to a gentleman at play , until after a strange R 3 N ° 597 . 185 SPECTATOR . to this clamourous tribe frequent deliverances from ...
... Hist . of England , AND NOBLE'S CONTINUATION TO GRANGER ; FORMING A SUPPLEMENT TO RICHARDSON'S COPIES OF Kare Granger Portraits . " It is delightful to give reviviscence to the forms of those , who have , for many ages , been buried in ...
... and the Earl of Pembroke and the other nobles were beheaded by the secret orders of Warwick .- ( Hist . Croyl . p . 543. ) Lord Rivers Woodville Redesdale . men took Richard , Lord 24 THE REIGN OF EDWARD IV . [ HEARNE'S.
... Hist . Soc . , Tuscaloosa . Alaska . - Alaska Hist . Soc .. Sitka . Arkansas . - Ark . Hist . Soc . , Little Rock . California . -Hist . Soc . of Southern Cal . , Los Angeles . Soc . of Cal . Pioneers , San Francisco . Cal . Hist ...
... Hist.- Greece . - Rome . - England , ea . , + Clx . Har . Summary of Eng . and Fr. Hist . , 25 c.-Do. , American , 30 c.-Do. , Complete , 40 c ...... + Bar . Stearns ' Shakespeare Treasury , $ 2 . * Put. Creery's Catechism of U. S. ...