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Geneva Bible from
The Breeches Bible. Some Curiosities Found in the Famous Geneva Bible Which Bibliomaniacs Handle Reverently. ONE of the books which a bibliomaniac handles reverently is the famous Geneva Bible, better known as the "Breeches Bible ...
Geneva Bible from
... BIBLE. — This was the first translation made into tho English language. It was the first translated, by John ... GENEVA. BIBLE. English at Geneva, in Queen Mary's reign, v;z: Coverdale, Goodman, Gil be, Sampson, Cole, Whilting, and ...
Geneva Bible from
... Bibles go to the Russian prisoners. Here are Russian Bibles going from the Bible House in New York to Geneva. From Geneva we sent them to the Netherlands Bible Society in Holland, and Dr. Rutgers of the Netherlands Bible Society, gives ...
Geneva Bible from
... Bible. Rev. Jewel E. Smith brought more than 26 items from his "Bible World" display in Orlando to Landmark Baptist ... Geneva Bible was so called because of the translation of Genesis 3:7 "and they sewed fig leaves together and ...
Geneva Bible from
... Bible translations. They were the fact that there was a babble not. however, the works of Bibles — a multitude of ... Geneva Bible. for use in all circumstances, Bishop's Bible, and the Cover- e., in church liturgies, for pridale ...
Geneva Bible from
... Bible of considerable value as a bibliographic treasure, as well as for its ... Geneva version and the New Testament is Tomson'a translation. The llilo page ... Bible, that Is, the holy Sprlot- ures, contained in the Old and New ...
Geneva Bible from
... Bible publishing dreams has become a reality. Called an "Octapla". It is a Biblical "family tree", tracing the ... Geneva Bible of 1562, the Bishops' Bible of 1602, the. S6TVIC6 9 Foi* DGclf. Rheims New Testament of 1582, the King ...
Geneva Bible from
... Geneva by several scholars under the leadership of William Whittingham, minister of the English Church in Geneva and brother-in-law of John Calvin. The other version from which Shakespeare sometimes quoted was known as the Bishops' Bible ...
Geneva Bible from
... Geneva Bible, often called the Breeches Bible, [t Is a rare and valuable book, dating irom 1560. This Geneva version of the Scriptures went through more than ISO editions, many of them printed In London, but copies of the first edition ...
Geneva Bible from
Bible of At Conn. College. A Geneva Bible will, tho Nev Testament ns revised by Laurence Tomson for that of ... Geneva Klblo Is notable as thft first English version of tho Scriptures to be printed In Roman typo, tho first in which ...