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French Directory from
... French Directory, refrecYmg the fituation of their Priloners of War in England, we a few days ago promifed an Autheatic ftatement of the conduct of the refpecVtve Governments. We now prefent our readers with this fiatement Vvhich we ...
French Directory from
... French have create- 1 .Municipalities in the Dutchies ofN.ifllui and Carrara, confifcuted all the pofleflionsof. The motive affigned by the French Directory for refuting to receive dc Rehaufen, •. Swrdifh Charge d'Alfairs, that they ...
French Directory from
... France. arrived at Bofton the night of the 27thult. in 37 days from fro Bourdeaux, brings French papers down to May ... Directory. The terms are nearly as already ftated : — and Congrefs ngrefs was propofed to be held to fettle the ...
French Directory from
TAOM. Proofs of the existence of a French Faction in this country^ THE French directory, through Talleyrand (as is already known) had de- manded tribute of the American nation, had threatened it with the -fate of the subjugated republic ...
French Directory from
... French directory and miniftcf, Ir is well known that previous to this e<i,bafly Talleyrand had lived eighteen mi-nths or tsvo years in the United States, The greater portion of his refidence was in the c.ty of Mew- York, and the greater ...
French Directory from
... French edition of the directory. Their temporary solution is different type of bilingual edition. Next month the new 1.668-page Montreal directory appears with separated French and English sections under one cover. In a recent letter to ...
French Directory from
... French Re.' public. Italy is conquered, the German vmpire laid ufulcr ... Directory ; Italy >i'd Germany nmft obey at t.he wink of the Republican ... French Republic is prevailing; in every qu;frrer of Europe. l>c fame will of ...
French Directory from
... French. Republic after the battle of the lat of June in 1794, and of the French Empire alter the battle of Trafalgar ... Directory was constrained to admit (is 1799) that " not a single merchant ship is on the sea carrying the French ...
French Directory from
... French Directory sought ti maintain the par value of its securities — : piece of history which has in very close degree its parallel to-day in the restrictive gold bills of the Federal Congress. Historj s indeed repeating itsulf. The ...
French Directory from
... French made ğrj ^hoitive attempt tofecure the fea port of Cojtr \ their failure was attributed to the accidental e ... DIRECTORY, has juft beeft publifhed. It confifted of THIRTY-TWO Articles ; the following are the rnoft impoitanti— ^ The ...