The Directory was the governing five-member committee in the French First Republic from 26 October 1795 (4 Brumaire an IV) until November 1799, ...
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Dec 19, 2024 · Directory, the French Revolutionary government set up by the Constitution of the Year III, which lasted four years, from November 1795 to November 1799.
Jan 27, 2023 · The French Directory was the government of France from 2 November 1795 until 9 November 1799, during the last four years of the French ...

French Directory

Form of government
The Directory was the governing five-member committee in the French First Republic from 26 October 1795 until November 1799, when it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte in the Coup of 18 Brumaire and replaced by the Consulate. Directoire is the... Wikipedia
Formation: 26/31 October 1795
Abolished: 10 November 1799
Status: Disestablished
Style: "His Excellency"

The Directory, a five-member committee that governed France from November 1795 to November 1799, failed to reform the disastrous economy, relied heavily on army ...
The new regime, referred to as the Directory, began auspiciously in October 1795 with a successful constitutional plebiscite and a general amnesty for ...
Rating (2)
France under the directory is an older study but one that provides an invaluable view to what life in France was like from the time of the Terror to the Rise of ...
As its most visible component, the Directory gave its name to the entire government. It existed from October 1795 to November 1799, when it was overthrown by ...
Jan 19, 2024 · Learn more about the Directory of the French Revolution. Review a timeline of the Directory, from the Constitution of 1795 to the Napoleon coup...
What was the French Directory? The Directory was the name of the government that ruled France during the final stage of the French Revolution. The government ...
The new constitution also stipulated that the executive body of the new government would be a group of five officers called the Directory. Although the ...