... explicatio of God seems to have been borrowed from the commen- taries of the twelfth - century Platonist , Thierry of Chartres , on Boethius ' De trinitate . Cusanus nowhere acknowledges his source , and it is not clear whether he read ...
... Explicatio stultus divertit ad dolos 405 402 Explicatio 406 402 . Parab . 15. Totum spiritum suum profert stul- tus ; at sapiens reservat aliquid in posterum Explicatio 403 Parab . 31. Noli esse justus nimium , nec sapien- tior quam ...
... Explicatio stultus divertit ad dolos 405 402 Explicatio 406 402 Parab . 15. Totum spiritum suum profert stul- tus ; at sapiens reservat aliquid in posterum Explicatio 403 Parab . 31. Noli esse justus nimium , nec sapien- tior quam ...
... explicatio of that unity which is God . Cusanus stated this doctrine as follows : ' Deus ergo est omnia complicans in hoc , quod omnia in eo ; est omnia explicans in hoc , quod ipse in omnibus ' : ' God therefore is all [ things ] ...
... explicatio on 35 folio - 1 -pages contains 43 so called Aphorisms , short and long ones , with the biblical proofs , ex- hibited in full tenor . In Corro's Table there is not a single passage which might seem to derive from a passage of ...