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Defence of Poesy from
... Defence of Poesy, y by Sir Philip Sidney — Table Talk, by John Sel- l don ; Narrative of the War in Germany and d France, by the Marquis of Londonderry — Cab'inat a Library, No- 1 ; The Eiiiiburgh Review, No. 106, 6 for June ...
Defence of Poesy from
... Defence of Poesy, Sir Philip Sidney— Table Talk, by John Sel- n ; Narrative of the War in Germany and rance, by the Marquis of Londonderry — Cabinet brary, No. 1 ; The E Jir.burgh Review, No. 106, r June; Buckingham's Magazine, No. 3 ...
Defence of Poesy from
... Defence of Poesy, by y Sir Philip Sidney— Table Talk., by John Sel- don on ; Narrative of the War in Germany a'nd France, rance, by the Marquis of Londonderry — Cabinet Library,'!\Td. ibrary,'!\Td. 1 ; The Edinburgh Review, No. 100, for ...
Defence of Poesy from
... Defence of Poesy," published In 1595. — Wayne D. McMurray. (© by George Matthew Adams)
Defence of Poesy from
... DEFENCE OF POESY, LErrilltS, I'OEMS. Ac., &C., 1 1, L t ST R A T I V E NOTES, oar TX-IEJ yi.xri'iioir*., BY WILLIASI ORAY, ESQ., Of Magdalen r'ollego and the Inner Temple. One handsome relume. 8 vo. Cloth ..I)cvc4edl)oanlj. ..PrIcc»2W ...
Defence of Poesy from
... Defence of Poesy.' ,-,_.,.. "Verdict ._ In .^. tlie ^TMh^ Parochial School Case. The case of Frank Roberts of Fitchbnrg-, g charged with the violation of the statutes in not sending a child to the public school, was a taken up in the ...
Defence of Poesy from
... DEFENCE OF POESY, LETTKHH, POEMS, io . Ac.,. XilJfja OX< THCMl ^KTTCTXXOZl.,. ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES,. BY WILLIAM GRAY, ESQ., Of Magdalen Collt tc and the Inner Temple. One handsome volume, 8vo, Cloth..,. Ilovwlcd Boards Price.
Defence of Poesy from
... Defence of Poesy,'" and "litted to warm and inspire the poetic heart of tbe youlh of this generation." An addition to the group of articles on "Notable Women" is a, paper on George Sand by her friend and protege Th. Beiitzon (Mzdamo ...
Defence of Poesy from
... Poetry" just what we should expect from the most successful suitor of the Muse- But at the same time that we feel ... defence of poesy" kas been made since Sidney's exultant voice was heard. "It creates no beauty of form beyond tke ...
Defence of Poesy from
... Defence of Poesy. Urls- elaa. Bane of the Lock, Translation of JEnold, Eupbues. TtopU. New Atlantis, Holy Living aud Holy Dying, Lrcidas, Hudi- bras. The Jew of Malta, Legend e of Good Women, Epithalamium. The Purple Island, Tbe four ...