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Court from
... court costs; (iilmer Gray Potts, improper equipment court costs Eugene Byrd, improper equipment, $25 fine and court costs (no driver's license dismissed); Chalmer Berry Fugua, speeding 64 in a 55-mph zone and failure to wear seatbelt ...
Court from
COURT JUDGMENTS. The following people entered guilty pleas Jan. 6 in District Criminal Court in Lexington: Jerry Kess Keames, intoxicated and disruptive, $25 fine and court costs; Keith Edward Laws, DWI, level five, 60 days, suspended ...
Court from
... court costs; Tim Beam, non-support of illegitimate child, six months, suspended three years, court costs, pay $44 per week in support; Linda Bland, 20 counts of worthless checks/closed account and two counts of worthless checks. 62 ...
Court from
... court system. The new article, amended in 1965 to authorize an intermediate appellate court, creates a unified statewide and state-operated General Court of Justice consisting of three divisions: the Appellate Division, the Superior Court ...
Court from
LAW LIST TODAY. HIGH COURT. FULL COURT. ,.... (No. 1 Court, 10.30.)— For fearing: The Commissioner or axatlon of the Commonwealth f Australia v. Vewton and 13 thor similar appeals (part card). SUPREME COURT. CIVIL JURIES. (First Court ...
Court from
Law list, Friday, November 7. SUPREME COURT. Full Court. (1st Court, The Chief Justice, Justices Barbar and Mclnerney, 10.30). — Criminal appeals. Civil Juries. (8th. Court, Mr. Justice Smith, 10.30). — Gray v. Green, (llth Court, Mr ...
Court from
... Court. Raiding officers report the pool . room was filled with about 200 persons at the time the nine-man party was ... court costs. Cynthia P. Lee, of the. 3300 block Walbrook Avenue, found guilty and fined $25 and court costs ...
Court from
... Court for the County of Shlawassee In the Matter of the Estate of EDWARD FLYNN, Deceased At a session of said Court, held on •eptember 9. 1964 Present. Honuiable CLARK SHANA. RAN. Judge of Probate. Notice is Hereby Given, That the ...
Court from
... COURT. TERM LIST. Banco Court — 10 — Hcarino — Cnm nai appeals. Reqina v Wa'ie. v Jones Robert, v Dceiinfl. v Sted- rmn v Young, v Martin v Jones. No 1 Court. K'na Street —10 — Hearing Sqtii'cs v Mazlln (P H British General Electric v ...
Court from
... Court Wednesday upheld the constitutionality of mav r's courts The ruling stemmed fmtn the case of Clarence K Ward Nnru-sitk He was found Ğuilty December 1968 in mayor's r<mrt of Mcmroevtlle of failing to fnmply with a lawful order of a ...