... court costs; (iilmer Gray Potts, improper equipment court costs Eugene Byrd, improper equipment, $25 fine and court costs (no driver's license dismissed); Chalmer Berry Fugua, speeding 64 in a 55-mph zone and failure to wear seatbelt ...
COURT JUDGMENTS. The following people entered guilty pleas Jan. 6 in District Criminal Court in Lexington: Jerry Kess Keames, intoxicated and disruptive, $25 fine and court costs; Keith Edward Laws, DWI, level five, 60 days, suspended ...
... court costs; Tim Beam, non-support of illegitimate child, six months, suspended three years, court costs, pay $44 per week in support; Linda Bland, 20 counts of worthless checks/closed account and two counts of worthless checks. 62 ...
... court system. The new article, amended in 1965 to authorize an intermediate appellate court, creates a unified statewide and state-operated General Court of Justice consisting of three divisions: the Appellate Division, the Superior Court ...
LAW LIST TODAY. HIGH COURT. FULL COURT. ,.... (No. 1 Court, 10.30.)— For fearing: The Commissioner or axatlon of the Commonwealth f Australia v. Vewton and 13 thor similar appeals (part card). SUPREME COURT. CIVIL JURIES. (First Court ...
... Court. Raiding officers report the pool . room was filled with about 200 persons at the time the nine-man party was ... court costs. Cynthia P. Lee, of the. 3300 block Walbrook Avenue, found guilty and fined $25 and court costs ...
... Court for the County of Shlawassee In the Matter of the Estate of EDWARD FLYNN, Deceased At a session of said Court, held on •eptember 9. 1964 Present. Honuiable CLARK SHANA. RAN. Judge of Probate. Notice is Hereby Given, That the ...
... COURT. TERM LIST. Banco Court — 10 — Hcarino — Cnm nai appeals. Reqina v Wa'ie. v Jones Robert, v Dceiinfl. v Sted- rmn v Young, v Martin v Jones. No 1 Court. K'na Street —10 — Hearing Sqtii'cs v Mazlln (P H British General Electric v ...
... Court Wednesday upheld the constitutionality of mav r's courts The ruling stemmed fmtn the case of Clarence K Ward Nnru-sitk He was found Ğuilty December 1968 in mayor's r<mrt of Mcmroevtlle of failing to fnmply with a lawful order of a ...