Kniese Morris DENTISTS. Cambridge City, Indiana, Phone 274 LOCATED IN K. P. TEMMJC. OUT. was This Cambridge City Woman -Who Tells Her Experience. All too often women accept their pains and aches as natural to their eex. They fail to realize ...
... Cambridge City citizen tells of Dean's Kidney Pills. Could you demand more convincing proof of merit ? J. Reavlee, plumber, east Main St., Cambridge Gity, save : "«My kidneys had given me trouble for quite awhile. I kept getting worse ...
... Cambridge City, Jackson township, Wayne county, and State of Indiana. MAKTIN L. \OITNO. Notice U hereby given lo the cltlzeni of Cambridge City, Jacknon township, Wayne county and State of Indiana, that I intend lo apply to the Board of ...
... Cambridge City market reports were published weekly in all the papers for fthundred miles north and west of here. In a copy of the New Castle Courier, dated March 19, 1852, among many other items of interest, appears the following: ...
... Cambridge City. 27-2w. FOR PALE— A well Improved farm f ninety-one acre*. Good house, barn nd fences. Situated 21 mils* from Dublin on graveled road. For particulars enquire of H. B. Boyd. Cambridge City. tf/. FUR SALE— Second-hand Bath ...
... Cambridge City, October 22, 1-S63. and departed this life September 27, 1918. He was united in marriage to Rose B. Werking August 4, 1&S3, who preceded him in deatli August 4, 1Q18. They resided in Milton until 1890, when they moved to ...
Cambridge City I CALL ? ** of jMilliaery, Dry Goods nnd Notions, nt | 'lyre's Trade Palace. It will pay 3-011. A NEW Block of Brushes and Baskets * as \vahnit Hall, and will shortly open at the IXLGro^rr. of * 'cw nrluous reformers. y ...
... Cambridge City resident's examMany. Wesley Carey, West Fnjnt street, Cambridge City, says: "My kidneys had troubled me for quite ajong time. Every now and then, especially when I caught cold, t bad pain in tbe small of my bark. My back ...
W. A. ROTH & CO. GRAIN. Proprietors Cambridge City Elevator. THE HIGHESTaCASH PRICE FOR GRAIN. Elevator on C. St. L. & P. B. R CAMBRIDGE: CITY, IND. F*r Hatle. A comfortable honse »n Main *tr«er, cheap! cheap!! Tbe farm known a<« the ...
... Cambridge City, will havo au otflcti hour from ten to HrtVuu 4 AJ., ou Mondays, Wednesday anil KriiUya, at the Cal d well, afterH-pt. 22 23-tf. Mr. Inrael Wilson and wife, Em- poria, Kan., Mr. Frank Nation aud wife, Mr. Cox aud ...