... Charles Symmons, D D. Just rrccivpil and for pale by W RILEY, 110 Church, M.-.n-b 7 3d door South of Rrtadtt. IRfttV l>it. I Y,\«i'S lill.LE COiVlTAIN ION— <& ^ LecturKs on the Law nnd the Gospel; do Yo:}0? MUM'.- Glory; ChrisMan's Own ...
... Charles Symmons, D D. Just received and f»r s.-vlebv ; W RILEY, 1 10 Church", March? 3d (foor South of Broad 11CERO — The Orations translated by Duncan. J thp Offices by Cockman, and Cato and Lelms Mplmot'i, in 3- v-.fs. hpu> S. 9 iwid ...
... Charles Symmons, D D. 'Just received nnd fur saleby W RILKY, 110 Church. Mnrch 7 3d door South of Broad Mnrcii / :-t ilonr Monf h i.r llmad mt VILLAGE TESTAMENT, according rbe authorized version; with Notes (original Introductory and ...
... Charles Symmons, D D. Just received and for sale by W RILEY, llOChurrh, March 7 3d door South of Broad fllHE VILLAGE TESTAMENT, according i the authorized version; with Nftes (original and selected) Introductory and Concluding Remarks ...
... Symmons, and as different were his mind and character. James was a haux, a curmudmiser so, least, said the whole ... Charles S Symmons — your son !" There was silence fur a time, ti within, until the same words were repeated, w ...
... Charles Symmons D. D. 7 vols. 8vo, Nicholson's Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts, volume seventeenth. llurdcr llurdcr * Oriental Oriental Customs, Customs, second second edition, edition, 2 2 .vols. Romance of tho ...
... Charles Symmons, lives in. County Cork. Father Coghlan's body may be viewed at the rectory until 3 p. m. wjien it will be moved to the church. Father Coghlan will be buried in the priests' section at Calvary Cemetery. SISTER MARY ALICE ...
... Charles Symmons, 2 vols royal 8vo 19 plates. The Ancient History of the Esvptians, Caithagini- ans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians and Macedonians, including a history of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients, by ...
... Charles Symmons Norm Shee Old Timers Get Berth INDEPENDENTS 4 4 Old TINORT 3 7 han but were held score- less the final four frames by Breit- GAMES THURSDAY bach. SHULLSBURG at I In I-W Night League. The D u b u q u c Independents moved a ...